Dr Denis O'Callaghan
  • Male
  • Anderson, IN
  • United States
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Dr Denis O'Callaghan's Friends

  • Pastor.Hosanna Bezawada
  • Vsevolod Malakhov
  • Shannon Ford
  • Pr.Paddick Van Zyl
  • Grace Mary
  • Bishop Samuel K Ankapong Jr PhD
  • Naek Sijabat
  • Pastor  Daniel  Atwijukire
  • Rev.C. Bruce
  • Dominic Sitz
  • Fr David Bennett
  • Evangelist Santhosh Chellappan
  • Rabbi Bill Kurry
  • Pastor Rao

Gifts Received (4)

Birthday Balloons From Rev. Linda Smallwood Red Ribbon From Rev. Elizabeth K.L. Mattke Red Ribbon From Bishop David Lavigne, Ph.D. Red Ribbon From Bro.RAJESWAR(INDIA)

Dr Denis O'Callaghan's Page

Profile Information

You MUST provide us with a detailed answer about your ministry activities and the name & location of your credentialing ministerial association. (Note: Please provide more than just the name of church/synagogue/ministry to be considered for membership.)
Raised by an Irish Roman Catholic mother and father in Mallow, County Cork Ireland. Traveled and educated both in Europe and America. Married to Dr. Marti O'Callaghan (Ed.D. Ph.D.). 35 years teaching Biblical concepts and Christian ethics. in Churches in Europe and America.

Bs. Ed., M. R. E. Degree, Masters of Religious Education

Doctor of Divinity Degree (D.D.) honoris causa ad gradum

Trinity Theological Seminary Th. D. Degree

Trinity College Dublin Ireland, PhD in Ancient Biblical languages (Philology)

Hebrew University M.A. JS, Ph.D. Advanced Biblical Hebrew

Cambridge and Oxford U.K. D.Phil.

Litt.D. Degree in Early Christian Studies

Dr. Denis O'Callaghan Director Scripture Institute

Pastor/ Teacher/Linguist/Theologian/Historian/Philosopher

Employing a research-laden approach to the analysis of God's Word in the Old and New Testaments, Dr Callaghan unfolds and presents his teaching in context with history and the sciences. A linguist with command of many languages, digging deeply into a vast collection of ancient manuscripts to find and communicate the purest understanding of what the original inspired writers of the Bible had to say.

To apply the study of Scripture in all aspects, from past and present Biblical Linguistics, hermeneutics, preaching and teaching the Grace of God, to a committed Fellowship of believers along with counseling, training, in a non-traditional environment.


"Which Church?" A definitive study on the abandonment of the teachings of the Apostle Paul by the early and modern Church

"Biblical Faith and contemporary culture"

"How to be a upright Christian in a upside down World"

Psalms, Proverbs,Ecclesiastes: "Old Testament Words of Wisdom for New Testament Saints"

[Xwh Howshea and ymm[ Lo' `Ammiy "Not my people"

Romans: a verse by verse study of the "Gospel of God"

Philippians: "Joy for the Believer"

Ephesians: The "Mystery and the Body of Christ"

Colossians: A Verse by verse study of the believers completeness in Christ

Paul and The Prision epistles: "The Mind of the man, the message, the means and the method"

Studies in the plhvrwma Pleroma "The Fulness"

Studies in "Body truth, "The Church which is His Body" ejkklhsiva Ekklesia

Studies in "Time, Space and Eternity "

Studies in "Anhypostasia" God was in Christ

Studies in the "Untraceable Riches of Christ"

Studies in The "Gospel of Judas" "The Lost Gospel"

Apocalyptic understandings of time in Mark's gospel

A Reevaluation of the Pre-70 CE Synagogues in the Land of Israel and the Graeco-Roman Diaspora

Angels in Apocalyptic Literature

Galilee from 44 - 66 CE: A Critical Reading of Josephus

Church as Community: Theological Foundations and Development in Practice

The Evolution of Christian thought (the first 300 years)

Recent work: Time, Space and Eternity (the study of Death and Resurection for the Christian)

Time Infinity Eternity and a jelly Donut

Coffee Cup Bible Studies -
Cappuccino with Colossians
Frappe with Philippians

Doc Notes -Gleanings in Genesis ( teaching through the Bible a wee bit at a time)

Professional Associations:

Association: IBA: Irish Biblical Association

Association: IOSOT: International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament

Association: SBL:Society of Biblical Literature

Association: SOTS: Society for the Study of the Old Testament


A. A. C. C. American Association of Christian Counselors

Board of Directors "Scripture Institute" (2001)

Member Associate of Biblical Research

Member of British Centre for Science Education

International Bible Conference speaker 12/89-2002 ( USA and Europe)

Continuing Education: and personal studies:

Teaching Biblical Background, in Church History, New Testament Theology, Textural criticism in Hebrew and New Testament Greek, Hermeneutics, Biblical Archaeology, Paleography, Philology.
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Dr Henry
Are you a born-again Christian, Messianic Jew, Catholic, or other Christian classification/denomination?
If you are Christian, do you believe in the doctrine of the holy Trinity (God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit)?
As stated in our Terms of Use policy, AOCI is not a place for you to raise funding for your ministry. Do you understand and agree with this policy?
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An Irish Blessing just for you!

May God grant you many years to live,
For sure he must be knowing.
The earth has angels all too few.
And heaven is overflowing.

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Dr Denis O'Callaghan's Blog

The choice of a new Pope

Posted on March 12, 2013 at 1:14pm 0 Comments

The irony could not be more striking.

More than a billion Catholics around the world wait with bated breath as the College of Cardinals prepares to begin the procedure to select a new Pope. Since Pope Benedict XVI announced his intention last month to retire, the leadership of the church will meet behind closed…


The Greatest Gift

Posted on January 2, 2013 at 9:19am 0 Comments


Dear Gentle Reader,

Well you can certainly tell who reads their Bible closely and who reads the social network comments for their education. My wee effort at a Christmas gift went astray it seemed that some were offended saying…


Thoughts about the children of Newtown

Posted on December 17, 2012 at 1:48am 0 Comments

There are 20 less angels on earth tonight The streets of heaven are too crowded with angels tonight. They're our students and our teachers and our parents and our friends. The streets of heaven are too crowded with angels, but every time we think we have measured our capacity to meet a challenge, we look up and we're reminded that that capacity may well be limitless We add…



Posted on June 3, 2012 at 9:47pm 0 Comments


"May darkness and deep gloom reclaim it (the day of Job's birth);…


Comment Wall (22 comments)

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At 6:13am on October 9, 2013, Grace Mary said…

At 2:05am on April 27, 2013, Fr David Bennett said…
Dear Brother in Christ Dennis. Thank you for your message and have read the last post reference history of the Jewish and Christian faiths. It is by study and understanding, more importantly the respecting of each other's faiths in this world that true Peace and Concorde will develop, thus ensuring a stable and secure world. All may pray for that treasured Peace and Security, but it is secured by Actions and Understading, not by misrepresentation of one's faith. I feel also from a personal perspective that Church leaders, and those Leaders from other faiths need to address the few who consistently promote false teachings not in compliance to the accepted and long standing teachings. When all do agree, and can unite in a true sense of Spiritual love for all human beings we will then know progress is being made. One instruction I have never forgotten is the words, "go forth into the World and proclaim the Holy Gospel". Meaning literally help, assist, and treat All Human Beings with Love, respect and care. I am privileged I do not get bogged down with Dogma nor Doctrine but as a Clinician and ordained Priest I see many facets of life where cruelty and also disaster can devastate the Community and leave many doubting their faith. It is at these crucial times of testing, we as Clinicians, Priests, Rabbis, and leaders can do so much in sharing and easing their painful journey through life. When the faith is returned and intact the individual grows Spiritually within themselves and can encounter and archive what many think is the impossible. As the saying goes, "With God's help I can achieve anything". So for me it means keep the faith, keep fully focused and follow the light ahead to the beacon from which it came". Thanks once again for you message. Every blessing, David
At 3:33pm on June 3, 2012, Sis Ann Brown said…

Dr Dennis:
   Are you by any chance affiliated with the Seventh Day Adventist church or do you promote any of their doctrines?

At 7:42am on October 10, 2011, Dr. Henry, President of the AOCI said…
Happy Birthday Dr. O'Callaghan. May the LORD bless you today and everyday. Have a wonderful Birthday. PS. Still praying for you and your wife. Thank you for all that you do to advance the Kingdom of God.
At 11:08am on October 17, 2010, Bro.RAJESWAR(INDIA) said…
OH ! My Gracious Father,
Thank You for continually being present within my life!
Thank You for loving me with such unconditional adoration!
Make me worthy of Your wonderful devotion toward me that I may give You honour and praise.
Cause me to have a passionate desire toward Your word that I may please You in all I do and say.
May I desire nothing on this desolate earth but the future glory with You!
My FATHER,You are protecting me,sicnce my child hood, from all the problems arrounded me
from all the ways,while I'm in darkness!My most precious Lord,kindly remember the poor and sick,
and please accord ''peace'' in this around the whole world!!!
Kindly bless the Your servents,,old age people,,unmarried girls/boys,,and perents less children!
AMEN!!!....Yours Loving Son...RAJESWAR (India)
At 12:12pm on October 10, 2010, Dr. Henry, President of the AOCI said…
Happy Birthday Dr. O'Callaghan...Cheers today!!! May you have a blessed and wonderful birthday today. God bless you my brother!! We are blessed to have you connected to the AOCI. Thank God for wonderful scholars like yourself who stand solid on historic Christianity. Have a great one!!!
At 1:15pm on March 27, 2010, Bro.RAJESWAR(INDIA) said…
My story with God

JESUS, rescuer of the abandoned!
JESUS, hope of those in despair!
JESUS, guiding star to the lost!
JESUS, joyful return of the exile!
JESUS, unforeseen victory!
JESUS, eternal triumph!
JESUS, radiant dawn after endless night!
JESUS, everlasting light of the Kingdom!
JESUS, wipe away my tears!
JESUS, calm the panic of my heart!
JESUS, exultation of those hemmed in by fear!
JESUS, joy of those crushed by sorrow!
JESUS, light to those in darkness, glory to You!

JESUS, provider of our daily bread!
JESUS, helper of the helpless!
JESUS, giver of all good gifts!
JESUS, grant peace to a heart in turmoil!
JESUS, calmer of storms!
JESUS, haven of the voyager!
JESUS, life-changing power!
JESUS, promise of final triumph!
JESUS, giver of invincible peace!
JESUS, light to those in darkness, glory to You!
At 2:08pm on March 18, 2010, Bro.RAJESWAR(INDIA) gave Dr Denis O'Callaghan a gift
At 2:08pm on March 18, 2010, Bro.RAJESWAR(INDIA) said…
Share in the knowledge that you are worthy
to receive every desire of your heart.
Allow God's love to fill every part of your being,
even the parts you judge and feel guilty about."

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