Rev. William Griffith
  • Male
  • Los Angeles, CA
  • United States
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Rev. William Griffith's Friends

  • Evangelist Naqash Abbas
  • Jagan Mohan CV (Senior Pastor)
  • M Evangelist
  • Rev.Dr.Fraz Siddique
  • Nsikak David
  • Pr.Paddick Van Zyl
  • Pastor Emmanuel Ansah Otopah
  • Grace Mary
  • Clive Reginald READ
  • Rev. Jim McCarver
  • Pastor Rao
  • Jacob Eagle Heart aka Jack Valvo
  • Ato Forson


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Rev. Dasa William Griffith, Oikos Intentional Community


William Griffith (known as DASA) was ordained and licensed in 2006 as a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He is a graduate of the United States Institute of Peace with a certification in conflict analysis and served on the War Crimes Committee and Human Rights Institute of the International Bar Association in London. He once said "I would rather be around a group of prostitutes than a group of politicians any time. The prostitutes have integrity."He has been a radio host for more than a decade, and is a writer, lecturer, and is a member of the National Association of Christian Ministers, The Association of Clergy International, The Red Letter Christians Movement, Renegade Pastors Network and the Fellowship of Reconciliation.Rev. Griffith served as Senior Pastor of Evangel Pacific Ministries until resigning to lead the Oikos Community and The Bonhoeffer Academy. Rev. Alysyn Bourque replaced him as Senior Pastor. She a transgendered woman, and lives with her two children in Los Angeles. .Griffith took vows to observe the Twelve Marks of New Monasticism and established a small intentional community of new monastics at Oikos. He also took vows of poverty, observe chastity and adheres to Esoteric Christianity, and serves the poorest of the poor and the homeless.When founding the Oikos Community, a variety of names were considered for the leader of the community of new monastics. Rev. William Griffith chose the title "Dasa". Dasa originally had the connotation of 'enemy', but later acquired religious connotations. In contemporary usage, the surname Dasa designates a 'servant of God' or 'devotee'. Dasa can also be used as a suffix to a given name in order to indicate "servant" or "slave".Rev. Griffith is called 'Dasa' by Oikos Community members, mostly young, new monastics who have come from the streets as prostitutes, drug addicts or homeless. He chose the name to emphasize his servanthood and insists on being a servant-slave to his fellow monastics."It is about doing what Christ said", Griffith explained, "Denying myself daily, picking up my cross and following Him. I am on this earth to love, to serve and to give all I have to God and humanity."Rev. Griffith wears nothing more than a dhoti, sandals and a shawl, taking extreme vows of poverty, chastity and obedience.

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Ordained in 2006 by the United Church of Wales, a non-denominational fellowship. Currently Senior Pastor of Evangel Pacific Ministries in Los Angeles, California.
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Comment Wall (7 comments)

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At 10:30am on August 20, 2015, Evangelist Naqash Abbas said…

At 10:37am on March 10, 2015, Rev.JACOB.C.CHACKO said…

Dear Pastor .William ,

Thank God that you are there for God to bless our ministries in villages of India where we need your prayer and partnership

At 2:53pm on July 2, 2014, Jagan Mohan CV (Senior Pastor) said…

It is great blessing to go through your ministry details and I hope you would be great blessing in this site. Amen!!!

At 3:49am on May 13, 2014, Rev.JACOB.C.CHACKO said…

At 9:27pm on March 9, 2014, Rev.JACOB.C.CHACKO said…

Thank to the Lord of harvest who makes us friends under this roof for His glory in our time .

Keep India in your hear and prayer .

Please know that we are in great need of you because there is so much work is to be done .

At 7:44am on March 5, 2014, Rev.JACOB.C.CHACKO said…

Thank to the Lord God for you and your ministry

Welcome to Missions Asia ,India

keep us in your powerful prayer and fellowship.

At 10:13pm on March 2, 2014, Benjamin Edwards said…

Welcome to AOCI Rev. William Griffith. We're glad that you have joined hands with us for the advancement of the gospel. I believe we're able to achieve much more together than any of us could by ourselves. There are really useful educational materials on here that can help with the ministry in a variety of ways and a variety of formats. Please feel free to use them when you can. Also, there is a prayer room staffed with volunteers who are passionate about teaming up with you for any prayer request you may have. Together, we form a dynamic voice. In the mean time, your name will never go unmentioned in our prayers.

God bless

Pastor Benjamin

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