Rev D Andrew Sands's Blog – March 2014 Archive (11)

Principles of Special Hermeneutics; A Portion of an ABC Lecture delivered by myself

Principles related to Figures of Speech:

1.     Every passage has only one meaning to discover. Sometimes the meaning is addressed directly, and sometimes it is stated indirectly through figures of speech.

2.     The interpreter should assume that a passage uses a non-figurative language unless this assumption creates an absurdity or the general context indicates otherwise.

3.     The BIble may overstate a truth in the physical realm to help the reader grasp a spiritual…


Added by Rev D Andrew Sands on March 27, 2014 at 11:05am — No Comments

Principles of General Hermeneutics; A Portion of an ABC Lecture delivered by myself

Principles related to individual words and grammar:

1.     The meaning of any Bible term is only the one the original author intended.

2.     The definition of any term must be consistent with its use in the phrase in which it is found.

Principles related to Immediate and Book contexts:

1.     The mean8ing of a phrase must be consistent with the sense of its immediate context.

2.     The interpretation of a passage must be consistent with its usen the…


Added by Rev D Andrew Sands on March 27, 2014 at 10:48am — No Comments

Presuppositions about Biblical Interpretation; A Portion of an ABC Lecture delivered by myself

Presuppositions about the Task of the Interpreter:

1.     The preaching and teaching of the Word of God, correctly interpreted, is crucial to maintaining a biblically sound church.

2.     There are universally accepted laws of understanding communication that apply to the interpretation of the Bible as well.

3.     The ONLY valid interpretation and application of the BIble passage must be consistent with the writer's original intent.

4.     All principles and…


Added by Rev D Andrew Sands on March 27, 2014 at 10:36am — No Comments

Ten Commandments for Interpreters; A Portion of an ABC Lecture delivered by myself.

1.     Thou shalr not seek any interpretation other than the one intended by the original author.

2.     Thou shalt not replace the Word of God with personal experiences, church creeds, or human traditions.

3.     Thou shalt not misuse the names of the Bible by dogmatically calling any doctrine Biblical that is not clearly taught in Scripture.

4.     Remember Sunday to keep it for prayer and final thoughts on the sermon. Six days are available to prepare for Sunday's…


Added by Rev D Andrew Sands on March 27, 2014 at 10:23am — No Comments

Complete Interpretation: Submission Necessary; A Portion of a Lecture by Me at ABC

Even if all biblical interpreters conscientiously used a consistent hermeneutical system, there would still be a variety of opinions because of the differences among the interpreters' abilities and backgrounds. Such differences are inevitable and must be accepted, but four characteristics are required of a student of the Bible who would 'accurately divide the word of truth.…


Added by Rev D Andrew Sands on March 20, 2014 at 10:00am — No Comments

Complete Interpretation: Regeneration Necessary; A Portion of a Lecture by Me at ABC

Even if all biblical interpreters conscientiously used a consistent hermeneutical system, there would still be a variety of opinions because of the differences among the interpreters' abilities and backgrounds. Such differences are inevitable and must be accepted, but four characteristics are required of a student of the Bible who would 'accurately divide the word of truth.…


Added by Rev D Andrew Sands on March 18, 2014 at 11:00am — No Comments

Are Guidelines Needed in Biblical Interpretation: A Portion of a ABC Lecture I Did

It can be said that the difference between mysticism and Christianity is the message of the Bible. Christianity is not founded on a vague notion of who God is based on mystical guesswork; rather, it is built on the foundation of a concrete, divine revelation.

Furthermore, superficial Christians are not interested in the correct interpretations of God;'s Word. Only…


Added by Rev D Andrew Sands on March 18, 2014 at 10:00am — No Comments

Key Definitions in the study of Biblical Hermeneutics; A portion of a Lecture to an Abaco BIble College Hermeneutics Class by Me.

Rules of interpretation govern how we interpret any communication. When we speak of the laws governing correct interpretation, we are not referring to a list that varies from person to person or even from secular to inspired writings. We are referring to rules people have used for thousands of years in understanding and relaying all forms of interpersonal communication.…


Added by Rev D Andrew Sands on March 17, 2014 at 3:00pm — No Comments

The Primary Task of the Church Leader : A Portion of an Abaco Bible College Lecture by Me

The tale of "Mutiny on the Bounty" is an unforgettable story that took place on April 28, 1789. When some of the members of the crew of the Bounty mutinied, they cast Captain Bligh and 18 crewman adrift in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. The Captain's group traveled for over 3,000 miles to safety, but the odyssey of the crew that remained on the Bounty was even more…


Added by Rev D Andrew Sands on March 17, 2014 at 2:30pm — No Comments

The Unparalleled Need to Teach the Word

Christianity's unparalleled opportunity for evangelism is accompanied by an unparalleled need for accurate and effective Bible teaching. Although it has never been easier to make a convert to Christ, it has never been more difficult to make a disciple of Christ. The same chaotic atmosphere of change that encourages an acceptance of the gospel can also discourage a…


Added by Rev D Andrew Sands on March 14, 2014 at 4:00pm — No Comments

The Unparalleled Need for Accuracy in Biblical Interpretation

   [I am currently teaching a class at the Abaco Bible College in Marsh Harbour, Abaco, Bahamas and I would like to share portions of my lectures with my brothers in Christ that are a part of AOCI! The course that I am currently teaching is "Hermeneutics I."]

   The Bible is the most popular book of all time. In its pages are the message of salvation, the…


Added by Rev D Andrew Sands on March 14, 2014 at 2:30pm — 1 Comment

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