Frederick Meekins's Blog (54)

Scout Head Promotes Immorality Among The Organization's Ranks

Speaking to a national meeting of the Boy Scouts in his role as the organization's president, former CIA director and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates in reference to gays among the ranks of the group's membership and administration proclaimed that “we must deal with the world as it is, not as we might wish it to be.”

He insisted that such an adaptation of policy was necessary or the assembled would be required to face “the end of us as a national movement.”

What he is saying…


Added by Frederick Meekins on June 11, 2015 at 6:30pm — No Comments

No Mere Consideration: The Apologetic Quandaries Found In The Lewis Classic

Psalms 14:1 says, “The fool says in his heart, 'There is no God'.” Only those seeking to live in utter irrationality can ignore the arguments made in favor of the God of the Bible by C.S. Lewis in “Mere Christianity”. Three of the most compelling issues the skeptic will have to confront when reading this classic include the universality of the moral law, the existence of a personal God as Creator of the Universe, and whether Jesus is who He says He is.

Fundamental to the creed of the…


Added by Frederick Meekins on May 1, 2015 at 6:30pm — No Comments

A Review Of “Why I Am Not A Christian” By Bertrand Russell

Without a doubt, Bertrand Russell stands as one of the most formidable minds of the modern era. Through his efforts with Alfred North Whitehead in “Principia Mathematica”, Russell further elaborated the relationship between mathematics and deductive logic. Russell's endeavors, however, were not confined to complex philosophical treatises having little influence outside of academic circles. Russell's work spanned the intellectual spectrum, ranging from works on the history of philosophy to…


Added by Frederick Meekins on April 21, 2015 at 6:30pm — No Comments

Should Allegiance To Certain Church Movements Excuse Profound Moral Failings?

The following quote attributed to Jack Hyles was printed in a church bulletin: “The time consumed between the opportunity to do right and the doing of the right is often spent trying to justify doing wrong.”

A valid observation.

Sort of like the time Hyles concocted a convoluted doctrine not unlike that of Mormon celestial marriage to justify him spending more emotionally intimate time with the church secretary than his actual wife.

Then there was also the time Hyles…


Added by Frederick Meekins on April 20, 2015 at 6:30pm — No Comments

Should Church Members Submit To Pastoral Interrogations?

In an interview on Generation’s Radio, Albert Martin — former pastor of Trinity Baptist Church in Montville, New Jersey — elaborated fondly that over the course of his ministry there that it was the practice to inflict upon the members of the congregation an annual inspection in their homes.

During this interrogation, he would gather intelligence as to the spiritual state of the occupants.  His interlocutories would assess areas such devotional life, quality of marriage, and the…


Added by Frederick Meekins on April 17, 2015 at 6:30pm — No Comments

Ministerial Red Lights Necessary To Prevent Ghastly Church Accidents

In the March 13, 2015 edition of the “Sword Of The Lord”, the publication's editor Shelton Smith compared ministry to the act of driving.

In one of the the remarks, he observed that one hand must be on the wheel.

He expanded on that declaration by saying, “At the church house, someone has to be in charge. A leader is a necessity. The pastor is the scripturally appointed, God-anointed person to be the leader.”

Smith further clarified, “Many of our churches are sitting…


Added by Frederick Meekins on March 23, 2015 at 6:30pm — No Comments

Don't Hide Behind Piety During Totalitarianism's Rise

On Issues Etc, the topic was addressed if the Christian must defend the Charlie Hebbdo cartoons construed as blasphemous .

From the clip highlighted as the sound bite of the week, one gets the impression that articulating a defense of the gunned down editorial office's freedom of expression isn't really all that much of a priority.

After all, the ultimate concern of the church is not so much with things such as innate or constitutional liberties but rather with the proclamation…


Added by Frederick Meekins on March 11, 2015 at 6:30pm — No Comments

Feminist Undermines Masculinity & Gripes About The Results

In the February 2015 issue of Sojourner's Magazine, a pregnant feminist in the article titled “Clear Eyes Full Hearts” laments, “I worry about my son. How do I raise a good white male?”

What she is asking for simply isn't a lad that protects the innocent and provides his own way in life while giving his mom a heartfelt hug once in a while.

What she wants is one that surrenders without resistance to multiculturalist dictatorship.

She further writes, “Most stories about…


Added by Frederick Meekins on March 9, 2015 at 6:30pm — No Comments

Frosted Flakes Might Not Be That Great But Neither Are They All That Bad

The cover of the 3/2/15 edition of Businessweek depicts Tony the Tiger in a gas mask recoiling in horror at the sight of the frosted flakes he has shilled for decades.

Reworking his classic catchphrase, he declares, “THEY'RE GR-R-ROSS!”

Additional copy on the cover reads, “Carbs, sugar and stubbornness are killing Kellogg.”

How is this dietary staple any more disgusting than these so-called “health foods”?

“Organic” is simply a euphemism for having been grown in…


Added by Frederick Meekins on March 4, 2015 at 10:30pm — No Comments

If Nothing Wrong With Pot, Why Limit Quantities & Distribution Methods?

In Washington, DC, it will be legal to possess up to two ounces of marijuana or to posses three mature plants for personal use that cannot be sold. If there is nothing wrong with marijuana, why can't a resident posses three ounces and four mature plants?

It is fascinating how, in this day of social decline, being strung out on dope is acceptable but attempting to earn a buck isn't.

You will find in DC that it is just as illegal to be a compensated tour guide without a license…


Added by Frederick Meekins on March 2, 2015 at 9:00pm — No Comments

Southern Baptist Functionary Lays Claim To Your Extraneous Income

According to Southern Baptist Missions Board President David Platt, Christians ought to set for themselves a financial spending cap.

The justification for this principle can be found in the admonition that godliness with contentment is great gain.

Interestingly, Platt is not providing this advice so that you might provide better for yourself in the rocky times ahead likely to result from a declining economy.

Instead, you are expected to give the abundance away (no doubt…


Added by Frederick Meekins on February 25, 2015 at 7:00pm — No Comments

Christian Filmmaker Befuddled Over The Relationship Between Media & Religion

In an episode of Generations Radio titled “Filmmaker Chastises Christians For Watching Ungodly Films: Film Has Usurped Church”, Christian filmmaker Rich Christiano provided a summary of an upcoming project as well as reflections upon Christianity and the media.

In the synopsis, he name drops that the upcoming film features Harry Anderson.

The cinematographer reminds that Anderson, before his descent into obscurity, starred as the judge on the sitcom “Night Court”.

So if…


Added by Frederick Meekins on February 18, 2015 at 6:30pm — No Comments

Worldview Clashes In Super Bowl Commercials As Riveting As The Actual Game

A variety of assumptions worthy of additional comment were propagated for public dissemination through a number of Super Bowl commercials.

In one anti-bullying spot, a social engineer instructs the one to be mentally reconditioned to run or fight like a girl.

Upon compliance, the unenlightened male is subjected to Pavlovian denunciation (akin to what one would receive in a prisoner of war camp) over how he has insulted his sister.

Rather than an instructive analysis of…


Added by Frederick Meekins on February 13, 2015 at 6:30pm — No Comments

Is Josh Harris Guilty Of Dating The Church?

In the book “Stop Dating The Church”, Josh Harris popularized the analogy that church membership is akin to marriage.

As such, when things become difficult, according to Harris, one should not set out in search of greener pastures but instead endure through the misery.

So does his resignation as pastor at the scandal-ridden Covenant Life Church constitute a form of abandonment akin to divorce?…


Added by Frederick Meekins on February 12, 2015 at 9:00pm — No Comments

Overrreacting To Elijah's Declaration Of Despair

A Facebook theologian has commented in agreement with Christian broadcaster Chuck Swindoll that we should never pray for God to take a loved one home to eternity.

It is contended doing so can apparently derail His sovereignty.

Apparently, if we believe that He is sovereign, we should know that He is fully capable of taking us home when He believes that the time has approached.

Isn't that formulation itself an affront to God's sovereignty?

For if God is sovereign…


Added by Frederick Meekins on February 6, 2015 at 6:30pm — No Comments

Too Spiritual By Half?

In an exposition of Mark chapter 3, it was observed that Christ's first miracle after the commissioning of the Apostles was the casting out of a demon followed by the healing of Peter's mother-in-law.

The Lutheran seminarian insisted that this symbolically represented the precedence of the spirit over the human tendency to emphasize the body.

The expositor lamented that such a characteristic was the result of the sin…


Added by Frederick Meekins on February 4, 2015 at 6:00pm — No Comments

Christian Publisher Targets Children With Leftist Indoctrination

The Eeerdman's Books For Young Readers spring 2015 catalog contains a book titled “Edgar Wants To Be Alone.”

According to the synopsis, Edgar doesn't like company but notices he is followed by a worm. So he tries to get away from the invertebrate.

The summary reads, “Edgar asks for the other animals on the farm to help him, but eventually he realizes he might have been part of the problem all along.”

One cannot comment definitively without having read the… Continue

Added by Frederick Meekins on January 30, 2015 at 9:27pm — No Comments

The Pope's Advice Regarding Speech Raises More Concerns Than It Answers

As he continues to build a pontificate endeavoring to appeal to nearly everyone on some level, Pope Francis responded to the Charlie Hebbdo massacre in the same spirit.

The Catholic News Service has the Pope on record as saying “It's true, one cannot react violently... cannot insult other people's faith, one cannot make fun of faith.”

Such a standard would seem perfectly reasonable in a culture steeped in Christian values.

However, in a profoundly decayed…


Added by Frederick Meekins on January 21, 2015 at 8:30pm — No Comments

The Pope's Advice Regarding Speech Raises More Concerns Than It Answers

As he continues to build a pontificate endeavoring to appeal to nearly everyone on some level, Pope Francis responded to the Charlie Hebbdo massacre in the same spirit.

The Catholic News Service has the Pope on record as saying “It's true, one cannot react violently... cannot insult other people's faith, one cannot make fun of faith.”

Such a standard would seem perfectly reasonable in a culture steeped in Christian values.

However, in a profoundly… Continue

Added by Frederick Meekins on January 18, 2015 at 8:59am — No Comments

Faith On The Final Frontier

“The final frontier” --- since the mid 1960’s these words have characterized Star Trek’s perception of the adventure and the discoveries to be found in the distant reaches of outer space. Yet can this vast interstellar ether really be said to be the final frontier in terms of providing an ultimate foundation or purpose? For despite all its wonder, at its core the cosmos is not that much different than ourselves in that its external composition is simply another manifestation or component of…


Added by Frederick Meekins on January 16, 2015 at 8:30pm — No Comments

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