Rev. Kaye Spencer's Blog (11)

Transition to Transformation

Transition to Transformation:

A Transition to a place or a level to another place or level is a promotion from God. You are able to see why the enemy brought so many attacks against you. The obstacles you faced of being talked about, put down, used and abused was the test to make you strong. Transition will allow you to see those who want what you have, but they don’t understand you can’t give it to them. They see a light that shines brightly in you, they want your anointing and they…


Added by Rev. Kaye Spencer on July 13, 2015 at 2:41pm — No Comments

Spirit of Discernment

Genesis 3:1-7

Adam and Eve had a relationship with God.  He made provisions for them such as the Garden of Eden.  But the serpent had a plan to disrupt the plan of God for them to not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.  When the enemy shows us, we should respond with a "spirit of discernment" to let him know we know what he is up to and who he is, which is beneath your feet.  Eve's fleshed desired to what the eat from the tree.  The tree was shown to her from evil as…


Added by Rev. Kaye Spencer on March 17, 2014 at 8:33am — No Comments

Faith Waits on God

Good Evening my brothers and sisters in Christ.  We serve a faithful God who keeps his promises.  On 2-10-2013, I was released by God from my job.  I have enrolled in a Seminary to receive BA in Counseling by 2016.  Since my period of waiting, I experienced many events.  God spoke to me in 2007 to leave my job of 23 years and he brought me through that journey.  But this journey is truly different.  I was so use to having my own money, eating the foods I needed, paying my bills and providing…


Added by Rev. Kaye Spencer on June 24, 2013 at 7:28pm — No Comments

Presence of God

I had an opportunity to travel to Asheville, NC on my Birthday yesterday and ended the trip at a high elevation of 5000 plus at Craybeard Mountain.  At the highest top of the mountain, God was present, I felt the cloud cross my face, the coolness of the breeze and the quiet peace of God.  How often do we stop to allow God to reveal HIS presence.  We need to take more time for God and find HIM in that Special Place.  I feel so revived and I am thankful to see another Birthday, Praise…


Added by Rev. Kaye Spencer on August 26, 2012 at 4:44pm — No Comments

Words of Power

‎"Verily I say unto you". When you read this from the Holy Bible, Jesus spoke truth, understanding and prophetic. You know when He said this, the statement would come to pass. Why can't we speak prophetically over our own lives. We are able to find the can'ts for our lives but what about seeing beyond the negative and placing hope in I can, I shall, and It will be. Don't take my word for it, Matthew spoke of those who witness this statement,…

Added by Rev. Kaye Spencer on June 3, 2012 at 7:40pm — No Comments

Don't Hold Back the Gift

God has blessed each of us with a GIFT.  Many have not identified their gift because they do not understand.  You operate in your gift daily and unaware.  You have been using it for such a long time, but did not know it was a gift.  When God said love one another, your gift is operating on love.  Don't hold back the GIFT because someone is waiting for you to show up.  When the voice of the Holy Spirit speaks and directs your path in a new direction, don't deny it, embrace it and GO.  The…


Added by Rev. Kaye Spencer on May 28, 2012 at 6:41am — No Comments

Celebrating JESUS

Christmas is Jesus Christ. Wherever you are, He gives love, peace, joy, forgiveness and hope. The presents we receive is not the true meaning of Christmas, it is receiving Christ. Let us celebrate Him today, tomorrow and forever. I am so happy to see another Christmas and to thank God for giving us such an AWESOME Gift, JESUS. God Bless You....  Love you!!!!!!

Added by Rev. Kaye Spencer on December 25, 2011 at 10:53am — No Comments


"Now faith is the SUBSTANCE of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen, Hebrews 11:1" We can view many times in the Bible where our brothers and sisters were FAITH Driven. This Faith will take you places where you brain does not know the out come. Faith that carries you into unknown territory. Faith that allows you to walk through the open door unknowing of the obstacles you may face. Faith that feeds your spirit when your physical body is… Continue

Added by Rev. Kaye Spencer on April 27, 2011 at 6:02pm — 1 Comment

Am "I" in the Church

I was having a conversation over dinner with two minister friends and while we were talking, The Spirit of the LORD said clearly, "Am I in the Church".  When there is discord, opinions differ, comments regarding members and pastors, AM I IN THE CHURCH?  When we overly concern ourselves of little things that are less important than SALVATION, can the world see ME living in the church.  Not the building, but the living vessel.  I have seen so much division in the churches, battles of the mind,…


Added by Rev. Kaye Spencer on March 26, 2011 at 7:44pm — 2 Comments

Faith FULL

"Now FAITH is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen" Hebrews 11:1. What does faith look like, is it tangible, is it noticed or is it an idea? I am sure if a survey was done among the people, you would hear many definitions. But Faith is action that has been experienced. We have faith in people, things and what we can control, but do we really understand FAITH in God. The question still troubles the mind today is, "WHERE IS GOD." Faith is an action that must be… Continue

Added by Rev. Kaye Spencer on November 30, 2010 at 1:48pm — No Comments

Breathe On US

There is a shift taking place on the earth and many think it is the

changing of the seasons, the wind blowing the leaves for the fall and

the rain coming to chill the air. But no one stops to listen, to look

and to feel the love of God. Oh how important it is for God to BREATHE on

US. To Breath a Fresh Anointing, Fresh Wind and Fresh Fire. God is

choosing vessels that will Go wherever He sends them. He is shifting the

old out and the new in. God loves His people… Continue

Added by Rev. Kaye Spencer on October 5, 2010 at 9:30pm — No Comments

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