1 Corinthains Commentary Chapter 9 - THE BIBLICAL RIGHTS OF A MINISTER


INTRODUCTION: In chapter 8 Paul set out the limits of Christian liberty. In this chapter Paul sets forth how he personally followed this principle. In Vs. 1-18 Paul discusses his biblical right to receive financial support from the church he planted. In Vs. 19-27 how he gave up these rights in an effort to win people to Christ. Paul is not saying here that ministers should not be supported nor is he saying that ministers should be exactly like Paul and not receive financial support because the principle of ministerial support is taught through out the entire Bible. In fact, because Paul made a decision not to be supported the church interpreted this as Paul not being a true ministers because even the church at Corinth knew that all legitimate ministers would be supported. So Paul now begins to defend his calling to the church at Corinth. All the questions in this chapter are rhetorical (a question asked without an answer expected back) with each answer being resounding yes! ( except for verse 6).
Vs.1-3 Paul again turns to defending his call into the ministry and his rights as a minister. This church was questioning his authority and criticizing his behavior. Paul by two reasons: 1) the fact that Jesus called him directly (Acts 1:21, 22) 2) the fact that he planted (established) the church of Corinth. This church was the result of Paul’s work in the LORD. The phrase “am I not free” speaks to his right to liberties in questions of conscience yet we will see how Paul himself denied his basic liberties in order not to hinder the spread of the Gospel. Although Paul knew it was biblically correct to be compensated for being a minister, Paul did not violate his conscience in this example.

Vs. 4-6 Paul and Barnabas were the only Apostles who were not married during this time. Paul begins his defense by stating that he has a right, not only to eat and drink whatever he wants, but that the food and the drink can be supplied by the congregation in Corinth. Paul also has the right to be married and to receive financial support from those to whom he ministered. It is interesting that Cephas (Peter) is declared by the Roman Catholic Church as the first pope, but scripture says he was married. And yet the papacy forbids marriage for their Priests. Catholics build this dogma ( ) from elements in 1 Cor. 7 and Matt. 19:10-12 but in no way is Paul and Jesus advocating Celibacy as superior to marriage nor as a requirement for ministers (priests). Again, Jesus and Paul make marriage a matter of personal choice.
Vs. 7 Paul continues to build his case that the ministry is a worthy occupation for compensation and gives three illustrations to make his point. 2 Tim.2:6 says “the hardworking farmer must be first to partake of the crops. As with the industry of agriculture, anyone has a right to earn their living from this labor.
Vs. 8-14 4 BIBLICAL REASONS TO SUPPORT YOUR PASTOR FINANCIALLY & MATERIALLY: A. Before the law was given, we see the principle of tithe and offering from Abraham to the Priest Melchizedek for the support of the priesthood (Gen. 14:18-21). B. After the law was given the Old Testament Priests were supported by the tithes of crops, animals, as well as financial gifts (Num. 18:8-24). There were three types of holy offerings given to the priest in the O.T. 1. One was utilized to give praise to God directly. 2. The second offering was to be given to the priest directly 3.The third Holy Offering was to be given for the maintenance of the sanctuary. This holy giving was to demonstrate entire dependence upon God and their obligation toward him as creator and sustainer. This giving was a reflection of their priorities in keeping God first. C. We also see the same principle set forth in the New Testament (1 Tim.5:17-18; Luke 10:7; Gal. 6:6;) God requires His ministers to be paid for their work just like he requires animals to be compensated for their work (Deut. 25:4). D. Finally, the Lord Jesus Christ directly commands in verse 14 that “those who preach His gospel should make their living by the gospel”
Vs. 15-23 Paul again turns his attention to Christian liberty. Paul put his ministry above his personal desires. He was willing to conform to the customs of other people, whether Jewish or not, in order to bring them to Christ. Around the Jews, he would practice Jewish customs, around Gentiles; he did not practice the O.T. ceremonies since he knew these matters were now non-essential. Paul did not make the point of him being Jewish a matter of argument or a point of strife. He simply obeyed God’s law through obedience to the Law of Christ (which is the law of love). Paul simply removed the barriers of communication by understanding their needs and aspirations, their strengths and weaknesses, their opportunities, ideas, values and feelings. Paul also removed anything that might be offensive in terms of culture, language, and/or behavior. In other words, Paul tried to understand where they were coming from.
Vs. 24-27 Christians must be willing to set aside their differences for the sake of the gospel. The word disqualified (Gk. Adokimos) means a. disqualified from receiving any rewards in heaven b. Second, the word means to become a castaway or reprobate. One who walks away from the faith and loses his faith. Although the Bible teaches the security of the believers (Rom. 8:28-39; John 5:24; Heb. 7:16; Phil. 1:6) Christians should not presume that they are going to heaven regardless of what they do. No Christian can afford to take lightly the many warnings of Scripture. Here the word also means one who is cut off from eternal salvation and has become disqualified based on not demonstrating the fruit of the spirit. Christians can become reprobate.

1-We must cooperate with the Holy Spirit
2-We must cultivate our Christian life
3-We must live for Christ with intensity and keep ourselves in training under the direction of the Holy Spirit
4-We must not run aimlessly. We must keep God given goals

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Comment by Very Rev.Dr Andrew M. B. Patrick on April 27, 2010 at 9:28pm
Dr. Henry, Thank you for your commentary here. It seems that Paul and I have a great deal in common and as for the later statement "Christians should not presume that they are going to heaven regardless of what they do. No Christian can afford to take lightly the many warnings of Scripture. Here the word also means one who is cut off from eternal salvation and has become disqualified based on not demonstrating the fruit of the spirit. Christians can become reprobate.".

This is what I have been trying to get across to my fellow Warriors, yet it seems only a few of them get it.
I ask myself the old question "WWJD" all the time, and then he gets my mind to turning and my heart to bleeding for all peoples. I know folks are listening, but I'm not sure if they are hearing...I guess , we can always pray that something along the way will "wake them up".

Again, thank you for your commentaries, you are in my prayers and for that I am glad to know your heart as well...Your friend and fellow servant in the love that is Jesus' now and always...Rev.Dr. Andrew
Comment by Rev.E.C.Williams1. on April 27, 2010 at 6:35pm
Whew!!! AMEN!

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