Vs. 1-4 the Jewish people, our spiritual ancestors, and Christians, both drink from the same spiritual rock (Jesus). According to Dr. David Stern (a Messianic Jew) the idea of the pre-existence of Messiah is found in numerous Jewish writings. The Jewish people are the true forefathers of our faith (Gal. 3:7-9). “Baptized into Moses” means: a. that the Jewish people were brought into relationship with God by Moses (Ex. 19:3-9). It is interesting that even though God wanted a relationship with every Jewish person personally, they refused and asked Moses to speak to God on their behalf due to fear (which is not approved by God) (Ex.20:18-21). b. that the people were united with Moses, accepting his vision, his dreams, his goals, and his leadership. This “baptism into Moses” was the mark (outward sign) for the Jewish people of God’s deliverance from Egypt just as water baptism is the outward sign which identifies us to Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection for Christians. God also provided manna (bread) and water (from a rock) which parallels the Lord’s Supper for Christians. God is called Israel’s rock many times in the O.T. (Ps. 18:2; 19:14. 28:1; 31:3; 62.2; 71:3; 78:35; 94:22; 1 Sam. 2:2; 2 Sam. 22:2,32,47). GOD DOES NOT APPROVE OF FEAR. All Jews 20 years & older died in the desert with the exception of Joshua & Caleb (Num. 14:29-30).
Vs 6-10 God is faithful to bless and bring his corrective judgment on His people. The O.T. is not just a history book but is there to warn us so we can learn the lessons. These lessons should keep up from committing these same sins. What are the reasons for God’s displeasure upon Israel? 1) Idolatry (Ex. 32:6, 18-19) Moses commanded the levites to execute the leaders with a sword and 3,000 were slain. Then God brought a plague that brought the total to 23,000 (Ex. 32:25). This is not to be confused with the plaque at shittim (Num. 25:9) because Paul is referring to the golden calf in this passage. 2) Speaking against God and Moses. God send snakes and people were killed (Num. 21:5). 3) Testing God. Putting God through some type of test (Ex. 17:2). We are not to challenge the work of God in our lives. 4) Murmurring, grumbling and complaining also brought Gods corrective judgment. Paul here is referring to Num. 14:1-38; 16:41). The Judgment was accomplished by one of God’s Destroying angels which is the same angel who killed every Egyptian first born son when God brought Judgment to Egypt for not letting the Jewish people go. God will not tolerate oppression of his people, nor idolatry, sin, false teaching, or complaining anymore today as He did back in the Old Testament. Paul states that the coming of Christ began the “last days” (Heb. 1:2). We are now living in the last days of redemptive history before the messianic kingdom of God is established upon earth (Heb. 9:26; 1 John 2:18)
Vs.11-12 again, the O.T. contains lessons to warn us in order for us not to fall into these types of sins. The failures of Israel’s past should serve as a warning for us not be prideful and overconfident. Even if we think we are standing firm, we should not become high-minded. We should never think that we will never fall. This sinful attitude leads to complacency, pride, and spiritual dryness.
Vs. 13 Paul not only warns us but encourages us. We are not doomed to fall. We will have temptations, tests, and trials. This is a part of the human condition because of the fall of man in the Garden of Eden. God will provide an escape if we put our faith in Him. We must never confuse temptation with sin. Just as God can send angels to bring judgment He can also send angels to comfort and rescue us (Heb. 1:14; Luke 22:41-43). We cannot blame our sin on our temptations. Sin is never necessary for the Christians.
Vs. 14-22 the Lord’s Supper is also referred to the cup of blessing (praise and/or thanksgiving). Behind idolatry is demon worship so our God is a jealous God and will not tolerate this. God wants all our love, all our devotion, and all our worship. Anything short of that is idolatry. Modern idolatry is the occult, the drug cultures, and any sinful practices these things encourage.


Vs. 23-24 although Christians have liberty to participate in things of this world which are a matter of conscience (which are not considered a direct violation of scripture or Sin) they must also consider that not all things are beneficial to them. Secondly, they must consider if it will be edifying. We must all seek the good of others.
Vs. 25-26 Paul here answers the question about those church members who did not participate in the pagan feast but would buy the meat in the marketplace that was offered to idols. Paul tells them to buy it and eat it without asking any questions that would cause a person to have a guilty conscience. Paul knew that the meat did not belong to the idols (demons) but that everything really belonged to the Lord. The world’s misuse of things should not keep Christians from enjoyment with the proper use.
Vs. 27 Paul tells the church they can eat whatever they want but to do so without offending the unbeliever. The Corinthians should not bring up the subject of the meat being sacrificed to idols this way they could eat the meat with a clear conscience. Another way to phrase the question the Corinthians had for Paul is what should we do if an unbeliever asks us to share a meal in his home? Paul wants believers to avoid sin, not sinners. Jesus ate with the tax collectors, sinners, and the Religious people (Pharisees). Paul knew these would be excellent opportunities for witnessing especially during a meal. So believers should eat whatever is put before them and ask no questions.
Vs. 28-30 this verse is not talking about a Christian with a weak or sensitive conscience because Paul has already indicated that the fact the meat has been offered to idols is of no concern to the Christian (Vs. 25). Paul suggests that believer can stop eating if the unbeliever raises any objections for the unbelievers sake or their conscience, yet Paul goes on to say that even this should not affect believers who have strong faith and a strong conscience. Nor should the strong Christians let anyone put judgment on them if they “chose” to eat. Paul refuses to let himself be affected by the denunciations of others who might regard him like the Pharisees did Christ. The question that Paul asks in verse 30 makes it clear that Paul had been accused of eating meat offered to idols, with the suggestion that he has no right to forbid the Corinthians to do the same.
Vs. 31-33 our worship and glorifying God should not be limited to what we do in church services. We should be sensitive not to cause a believer or a non believer to stumble with what we approve by our strong conscience. Paul tried to please everyone in everyway in an effort to bring people to salvation. This is what Paul means by seeking the good of others for the glory of God.

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