1 Corinthians Chapter 4 Commentary - PAUL TEACHES FAITHFULNESS

v. 1-4 these verses show that Paul was being criticized, judged and attacked by some in the Corinthian church. Although Paul’s conscience was clear ultimately it is God who determines whether one has proved themselves to be faithful. God requires faithfulness in our ministry to which he has called us to.
10 things that will block your faithfulness to God are: 1. Covetous heart 2. Immaturity in Christ 3. Blaming God 4. Unbelief 5. Fear of man 6. Unwilling to count the cost 7. Delayed obedience 8. Pride 9. Unwilling heart 10. Not being persistent in trials and tribulations
v. 5 God will judge the secret motives of our hearts in the judgment seat of Christ (Bema seat). Christians do not escape God’s righteous judgment as this day will reveal it. (Matt. 6:3-4,6; 1 Tim. 5:24-25; Mark 4:22; Luke 12:2-3; Rom. 2:16) This is also a reference by Paul to the misconceived criticisms raised against Paul and his comfort that his accusers would be addressed by God in this life or in the after life.
v. 7 We’re all alike as sinners before God, and anything of value that we have has been given to us by God. There is no room for pride only thankfulness in the LORD.
v. 8 Paul uses irony to show the church how trivial and petty their concerns were and how unfair their judgments where also. The Corinthians thought of themselves as successful and righteous but they did not understand how to be fools for Christ.
v. 9 God used the patriarchs, kings, priests, and prophets to minister His truth to the people. Paul felt that the apostles were the last in this long line of God’s spokesmen.
v. 10-13 Not only does Paul here describe the difficulties of his ministry but again points out his life example of suffering as a minister. Paul also teaches that this suffering is to be shared when one is united to Christ and is normal in the Christian life (Rom. 8:17; Phil. 1:29)
v.14 -16. Paul was the first to bring the Gospel to the Corinthians and to plant that church.
V. 17 -19 Some Corinthians argued that Paul was bold only when absent and that he was afraid to confront them face to face so that is why he must have sent Timothy in order to avoid an ugly confrontation. Paul sent Timothy to preach to the Corinthians the same message of humility and of the ways of Christ which Paul lived out.
V. 20 the Kingdom of God here means the “present” work of the power of God working through the believer. In other words, is Christ working now through your life or is Christ the last thing in your life? Power means now!! Not just saying it but living it. Being faithful to God with your life.

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