v. 1 A man was openly living with his father’s wife, his stepmother. It is likely that she left the father to cohabit with the son and this is forbidden even in the Law of Moses (Lev. 18:8; Deut. 22:30; 27:20). This sinning Christian was misinterpreting his freedom from the Law to mean he could break some of the fundamental principles established for the strength of the family. LIBERTY DOES NOT MEAN LICENSE TO SIN.
V. 2 instead of recognizing the sin and repenting, he became arrogant about it. The people in the church where boasting of their liberty in Christ. The church tolerating this sin was just as guilty of sinning since they where condoning it. Paul tells the church that they should have put away this mean man from the fellowship and no longer have a table of fellowship in the church.
v. 3-5 Though Paul was not physically there, he was with them in spirit and had already decided what to do with him. Paul decided that the church should take responsibility of maintaining discipline and hand the man over to Satan which means the kind of permission that God gave Satan to accuse Job (Job 1:12; 2:6). In doing this the church was to refuse to have fellowship with him until he repented. This discipline was to be remedial, not judgmental. The man in sin would reap the consequences of his sin when the church separated him from the protection of the fellowship.
Vs. 6-8 The arrogance of the Corinthian church was infecting the entire assembly. Paul tells them to get rid of all the sin (wrong attitudes) so they can live as true born again believers. Yeast produces fermentation so the Bible often uses it as a type or symbol of spiritual or moral corruption of other types of evil that spread throughout the church and ultimately kills the church’s witness to the world. A little tolerance of sin works like yeast in that it spreads through the entire batch of dough. Christ is the fulfillment of the Jewish Passover (feast of Unleavened Bread (yeast free). The Passover is a memorial Jewish feast remembering what God did in delivering Israel from the death angel and from Egyptian slavery. Christ then delivers believers from spiritual death and from slavery to sin. Through Christ, God makes believers a holy people (1 Peter 2:5
Vs 9-13 Paul says here that Christians are not to mingle with Christians who are practicing sin. The Bible wants us to see the seriousness of sin (Rom. 6:16; Gal. 3:22; James 1:15; 1 John 3:6). Paul did not consider it his business to judge unbelievers, those outside the church but it was his business to judge anyone within the church (that is that local assembly) who was destroying the purity. The application here is not to share in fellowship or mingle socially with persistent sin in a person who claimed to be a Christian. On the other hand, we cannot change sinners nor should we judge them. We are to present the Gospel and the word of God in an effort to lead them to Christ. Conviction of the unbeliever often follows prior to conversion. Paul knew that Christians would be around wicked people as long as we are in the world, but he warned the church not to allow people who claimed to be a Christian who practiced sin to remain in the church.
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