1 Corinthians Commentary - Chapter 12 - THE SPIRITUAL GIFTS, UNITY WITH DIVERSITY


Vs. 1-3 Paul introduces the subject of spiritual gifts and begins by letting the Corinthians know that there are certain aspects of the gifts which need to be BETTER understood. Notice that Paul is not questioning the gifts themselves, he knows they are from God but the gifts needed to be exercised in love and in decency and in order. Before becoming Christians, the Corinthians were led astray and influenced to mute idols (little bronze statues). Some of the Corinthians were involved in bizarre practices within these religious cults. These practices involved hypnotic type states with frequent use of drunkenness and sexual orgies to where they would yield themselves to be led to gross sins. Paul declares that no one who has the Spirit of God would ever deny or mock Christ. Only a human being with the Holy Spirit of God living in them can say that JESUS IS LORD but someone calling Jesus Lord is meaningless unless the Holy Spirit is truly and personally actively living in the persons lives and they are living for Christ in true love and obedience.
Vs. 4-6 Because the Corinthians exaggerated the importance of the gift of tongues, Paul reminds them that it is the same Spirit of God who distributes a variety of gifts to His people. Paul is emphasizing the UNITY of the body of Christ which is reflected in the Holy Trinity. These gifts are needed for the building up (edifying) the Gods children. Different gifts but all are through the Holy Spirit. Also even though believers may have the same gifts they may operate differently through each individual believer’s life.
Vs. 7 Each spiritual gift is manifested in a variety of ways as the Holy Spirit wills. Paul is not emphasizing any sort of classification or sequence for the gifts nor is he saying that any particular gift is less important than the other. Keep in mind that Paul is addressing the problem of this church of over emphasizing (exaggerating) the gift of tongues. Some bible teachers take this as an opportunity to minimize the importance and power of the gift of tongues and miss-apply what Paul is saying. Some Bible teachers even go as far to discount and neglect the gift of tongues and do not allow this gift to operate in their congregations. It is sad to see churches that do not allow the 3rd person of the Trinity to operate in the church. Aren’t they in essence quenching and grieving the Holy Spirit?
Vs. 8-10 This list is not intended to be exhausted, nor is any gift more important than the other. In fact, there are many other gifts given by the Holy Spirit which we are not aware of but all work together for the glory of God when exercised with Love. Although Paul here does not explain the gifts listed, I will list them with definitions and examples in an effort to gain a better understanding of the Spiritual Gifts.
WORD OF WISDOM – Word indicates a speaking gift. A supernatural and divine ability to understand the Bible and God’s will, and to skillfully apply it to ones life or proclaim it to others. A spontaneous prompting of the Holy Spirit. To proclaim and declare divine wisdom for a need and God’s word which brings the practical application of that word to a need or a problem. The Holy Spirit does not make a person wise by this gift, nor does it mean that this person cannot make mistakes later. It is just a practical message to meet a particular need. Could be wisdom to resist adversaries. It goes beyond common sense and is NOT human wisdom. An example would be King Solomon in dealing with the babe and the two women who claimed the baby. (Matt. 13:54; Mark 6:2; Acts 6:10). How can you test if this wisdom is from God? (James 3:13). It will not be hypocritical, will glorify Christ, and will be full of the fruit of the Spirit and the Word of God. All other wisdom which contradicts the Word of God is earthly and demonic (James 3:14,15). How can we tell when its ourselves or truly from the Holy Spirit? 1. Never contradicts the Bible. 2. If something is ridiculous or “out of control” it isn’t from the Lord. 3. Wait to see if it comes to pass. Sometimes we may be given the Word of Wisdom and/or the Word of knowledge so we can just pray. Nothing else is required.
WORD OF KNOWLEDGE – A speaking gift. Supernatural insight into what the Bible says about God. This gift has to do with Biblical truth and the application of it. It has nothing to do with finding lost articles or what sin or disease a person may be suffering from – although God can give insight and help us with these. Through this gift we can understand the mysteries (spiritual truth already contained in the Bible) written in Holy Scriptures. This gift focuses on understanding the truths of the Bible. The Word of Wisdom emphasizes the practical application of the Word of Knowledge. Many of the gifts work interchangeably. (Acts 10:47-48). At the house of Cornelius, Peter gave a “word of knowledge” that the baptism in the Holy Spirit was God’s approval on the Gentiles-Acts 10:15:7-11). Also read Eph. 3:3-6; Col. 1:26)
FAITH – This is distinct from saving faith (which apply to Christians) or natural faith (which any human being has which does not require them to be a Christian). This gift is manifested through the Holy Spirit by strong trust in God through difficult circumstances.(Matt. 17:20). What Paul said and did in the midst of a storm in Acts 27:25. This gift can be used in a song, a prayer, a testimony, or something dropped into the mind of the preacher to raise the level of faith in the local body. This gift is given by the Holy Spirit to believe God for the impossible.
GIFTS OF HEALINGS – Notice the plural in this gift. The plural indicates that this gift is given to heal various kinds of sicknesses and disease. Indicates that the Holy Spirit wants to use a variety of people to minister these gifts and that the Holy Spirit will heal all manner of sickness in the body, soul, and spirit. No one can just decide to use any of the gifts at will but it is as the Holy Spirit wills. People don’t heal; God does (Acts 4:30). In Acts 3:1-13 the Holy Spirit used Peter to deliver healing to a crippled man from birth. Though James 5:14-15 tells us to call the elders of the church for healing prayer, the Holy Spirit can use any member of the body to minister gifts of healings to the sick. Again, this is as the Lord wills and we cannot merely claim a healing. Keep in mind that the reason for the many healings in Christ time was to authenticate and credit him as the messiah. If we are seeking God for a healing we should continue to believe with prayer and worship waiting on God and being submitted to him through obedience.
MIRACLES – Again this is plural. These are mighty, supernatural powers of divine intervention. An example of this would be as in the judgment of blindness on Elymas (Acts. 13:9-11). This is a sign gift to encourage people to believe and keep on believing.
PROPHECY – This is a speaking forth of Gods word for edification, exhortation and comfort. This is inspired utterance given by the Holy Spirit to speak forth Gods message to the people of God (2 Peter 1:20-21). Peter’s prophesied on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2:14). This will be a word which does not contradict the Bible and touches sensitive spots, brings conviction and worship, stimulates to action, or can reveal what was secret. This gift is intended to minister to the body of Christ primarily but is also used to minister to unbelievers.
DISCERNING OF SPIRITS – Is used to discern what someone is saying is prophecy (1 Cor. 14:29). Used to test whether a spirit is from God or not because many false prophets are in the world now (John 4:1). This gift is also given to discern the human spirit whether one is truthful of deceptive. This gift is powerful and used to work against Satan in order to proclaim the truth of the Bible. An example is found in Acts 5:3 when Annanias lied to Peter.
DIFFERENT KINDS OF TONGUES – Again, there is variety in this gift. Expressed in different kinds of languages both human and heavenly (1 Cor. 13:1). This gift is expressed and used to glorify, magnify and worship God. This gift is given so you can express your thankfulness for the Lord (1 Cor. 14:16-18). You speak directly to God in the will of God. It can also be given as an “initial” sign of being baptized in the Holy Spirit. Other variations of the initial sign of receiving the baptism in the Holy Spirit could be any other of the gifts of the spirit which manifest. It works along side the gift of interpretation of tongues. This gift is used by God to be a sign for unbelievers when they come into an assembly so they will know something supernatural is going on (1 Cor. 14:22). It is interesting to know that from the beginning of time as we know it there have been around 20,000 dialects of human languages of which 15,000 have died off.
INTERPRETATION OF TONGUES – is supernatural ability to understand what is being spoken with gift of tongues. This is translating what the speaker is saying . This gift comes as the one gives attention to the Lord rather than to the tongues being spoken in the assembly. Faith is required to exercise this gift in that the Holy Spirit will only reveal a few words of interpretation at first. Then, when these are given in faith, the rest comes as the Spirit gives utterance. This is interpreted by the spirit. We can see an example in the Old Testament in Nehemiah 8:8 when Ezra read in Hebrew and the Levites gave the meaning in Aramaic so that the people could understand understand what was being read, however, in that case, the Levites understood both languages. When interpreting a message in tongues, it is interpreted through the Spirit as He gives us understanding while we wait for the Lord and act in faith. (1 Cor. 14:21)
VS. 11 The Gifts of the Holy Spirit are given as He pleases or determines and not as a believer wills or desires. We cannot work on the gifts in the sense of “practicing” or “learning” how to perform but we can “partner” with the Holy Spirit and remain sensitive and open to His leading and participate in opportunities (such as worship, obedience, etc) where the Spirit of LORD is moving. But even so, the Spirit moves where He wills. In regard to the question, “does the Holy Spirit use a person with the gifts who has NOT received the baptism in the Spirit? (as defined in traditional Pentecostal doctrine with the evidence of speaking in tongues). The answer is yes because it is as the spirit wills. Old Testament prophets prophesied and performed miracles. The disciples ministered healing before the day of Pentecost. Yet, the baptism in the Spirit ordinarily results in a higher incidence of spiritual manifestations. I like to put it this way: The gifts of the Spirit are “incarnational” meaning God has His part in it and you have your part in it. The key is to “cooperate” with the Holy Spirit because He will NEVER bring shame to Jesus, in fact, the Holy Spirit will always give glory to Jesus.
Vs. 12 Paul now compares the church to the human body by stressing unity. This does NOT mean uniformity but interrelatedness and interdependence. We must embrace diversity among the body of Christ. We see in the church today where everyone wants to be a mouth piece but not everyone is used by the Lord to be a mouthpiece because we all have our roles, responsibilities, and our God given talents to which God has called us in.
13. The baptism described here is a baptism by the Spirit into the body of Christ not the baptism in the Holy Spirit. En (GK) means “by” here (See Luke 2:27; Luke 4:1; Rom. 2:29; Eph. 3:5). Therefore, baptized “by” the Holy Spirit and baptized “in” the Holy Spirit is not just Pentecostal hermeneutics. One baptism placed the person into the body of Christ the other baptism gives the believer an “overflowing” of the Spirit of God which Christ had promised on the day of Pentecost (Acts 1:5,8; 2:4). Lastly there is baptism in water which is commanded in scripture as an outward identification of your life in Christ.
Vs. 14-20 Diversity is the emphasis in these passages which is something the Corinthian church needed. Christians need to appreciate and value the different ministries and gifts with in the body of Christ especially the clergy men and women. We should not be jealous of God’s call on other ministers. The devil has used this to divide the ministers of God because he knows it will ultimately effect the laity.
Vs. 21-27 Paul here continues to illustrate the interdependence we should have in the church.
Vs. 28-31 Paul now begins to make his application of diversity, unity, and interdependence. This listing of gifts is chronological with respect to the history of the early church and in no way is indicative of gifts or ministries being better or more important than the other. Paul then asks a series of questions which call for no as an answer. Paul is dealing here with ministries and gifts and their manifestations within the church when believers come together. THIS VERSE IS NOT DEALING WITH THE GIFTS OF TONGUES AS RELATED TO PRIVATE PRAYER OR PRAISE, NOR IS HE DEALING WITH TONGUES AS THE INITIAL EVIDENCE (SIGN) OF RECEIVING THE BAPTISM IN THE HOLY SPIRIT AS PROMISED AND PROVIDED BY CHRIST. “Do all speak in tongues” is in the continuous present tense in Greek and means, “Do all continue to speak in tongues?” This means that not all believers will have a continuing ministry of tongues and interpretation of tongues for the church. When Paul says to eagerly desire the greater gifts he means that gifts plus love is greater NOT THAT LOVE IS GREATER THAN THE GIFTS. In order for the gifts to manifest and be guided by the Spirit of God they needed to be practiced with love. Paul is teaching us to truly be used by the Lord and be effective with the gifts according to the will of God, love needed to be part of the exercise of the gifts. This is the “more excellent way” of exercising the gifts.

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