1 Corinthians Commentary - Chapter 11 - HOLY COMMUNION


Vs 1-2 Paul wants Christians to imitate him to the extent that he imitates Christ. This DOES NOT MEAN that Paul is perfect because Christ is the ONLY perfect (sinless) person. Paul praises the Corinthian church for holding to his essential teachings and because the Corinthians considered everything Paul taught in matters of doctrine. Again, this doesn’t mean that the Corinthian church in fact “put into practice” all that the Apostle Paul taught as documented in the Holy Scriptures.
Vs 3 Head means: 1. Authority 2. Ruler 3. Honorable (Christ honored God, Man should honor God, and the wife should honor her husband. Wives are to Honor their husbands by demonstrating respect, recognition, reconciliation (to restore to friendship and harmony) affirmation, acceptance, and affection. 4. Source of Life. Paul is emphasizing the SEQUENCE (the order) of honor (# 3 honorable). Verse 8 of this chapter directs our attention again to the sequence of creation. It is interesting that at the same time that God and Christ are co-equal, co-existent, and co-eternal, Jesus RECEIVES from the Father (John 14:24) and COMES FROM the Father (John 16:28). In fact, Jesus said that “He could do NOTHING of himself but what Gods will is (John 5:19,30) and if he honored himself his honor is NOTHING but God honored Jesus (John 8:54). This is a picture of the authority within a marriage. THERE SHOULD BE A VOLUNTARY AND FUNCTIONAL ECONOMIC SUBORDINATION BETWEEN HUSBAND AND WIFE. Although Adam was created first, Adam said that Eve was BONE OF MY BONES AND FLESH OF MY FLESH which means they both share in the same essence. Remember that since God is the head of Christ and both are equal, so it is in marriage that the head is not more than the wife. The wife is NOT INFERIOR TO THE HUSBAND. Headship means that the husband bares chief responsibility in the household. The relationship in marriage CANNOT be compared to that of master and servant or army officer and soldier. Each marriage partner should be mutually submitted to one another out of reverence for Christ. One of the fundamental key’s to understanding marriage is for each person to understand their role and responsibilities. Like the body of Christ which has many members but are all ONE BODY.
Vs. 4-6 this had to do with a local custom Paul had to deal with and should not be applied to today. At this time the prostitutes in Corinth went unveiled so a wife who didn’t wear her veil dishonored her husband since people would think she was a prostitute at that time. Jews began wearing head covering around the 4th century although some may have worn them in New Testament times. Jews pray to God with their heads covered as a symbol of their unworthiness to approach Him but Jesus opened the door for us to approach God freely and with boldness.
Vs. 7-10 Again Paul is addressing a local customer and with a specific historical situation and be careful not to speculate. We know however that Angels are concerned with honoring God, comfort and protect Christians, perform according to the will of God and that Christians will judge evil angels.
Vs 11-12 husband and wife are NOT to operate independently of each other that are in a biblical relationship and serving the LORD. The roles in marriage are different in function and relationship but NOT in importance. Both are equal in the Lord. The role of the husband and wife are to be complementary NOT COMPETITIVE! Wives are not inferior to their husbands!
Vs. 13-16 Paul continues to deal with the local custom and so this only applies to the women in Corinth. There are some churches in today’s society who misapply this verse and so you see the women who where the hats to church every Sunday.
Vs. 17-34 the church at Corinth had turned the cup of blessing (Lord’s supper-communion) into gluttonous, drunken parties. They also were believers who brought ample food and drink for themselves and they refused to share so they let other believers go hungry. To drink unworthily also means “to take the communion in an unworthy manner” as some of the Corinthians were doing. Because of this God brought his corrective judgment and his purpose was to prevent them from being condemned along with the world. God, however, DOES NOT ROUTINELY BRING ILLNESS AND DEATH to his people. The problem at Corinth as very specific and serious. Their were division and factions which brought disunity.

This type of behavior destroyed the UNITY of the church and is something that God HATES and will deal with.

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