"The wicked will go down to the grave. This is the fate of all the nations who ignore God." (Psalm 9:17) A nations prosperity is directly tied to its relationship with God. Over the last 4500 years of world history two nations have proved that obeying God brings prosperity and disobeying God destroys a nation. The two examples are the nation of Israel and the United States of America. I do not have the time or the space to lay out all the examples of this phenomenon. You will have to study this on your own. But for anyone who is familiar with the OT Scriptures and the history of the United States must conclude that a nations attitude towards God was the difference between success and failure. I am weary of hearing politicians and the news media say this election hinges on the economy not social issues! Well here is a news flash when a nation is morally and spiritually bankrupt this will ultimately precipitate a financial collapse.
Does anyone believe that a nation who has allowed the killing of 60 million unborn babies justifying it by calling it a woman's choice will prosper? Does anybody believe that a nation that prohibits God from being discussed in public, in the classroom and even in some churches will prosper? Does anybody believe that a nation who has abandoned traditional marriage will prosper? Does anybody believe that a nation who seeks fulfillment through drugs, alcohol, sports and entertainment instead of God will prosper? Does anybody believe that a nation who turns its back on Israel will prosper? I could go on but I think you get the point! Our Scripture says that when a nation forgets God it will go down into the grave. In other words it will die. For almost two hundred years our nation looked to God for guidance and understood that He is our source not the government. It is no surprise to anyone who understands the Bible and history why our nation is where it is today. We are first an foremost bankrupt morally and spiritually. Our financial problems cannot be completely remedied by Washington. America's leaders must recognize our moral and spiritual failure and then turn to God and repent of our sins. Then and only then will we see our nation begin to recover! Unless America turns back to God we will be destroyed. Both the Bible and history have taught us this sobering lesson! The question is, will we learn from it?
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