To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David. “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.”

A religion is, a system of doctrines or principles, being based upon the idea that certain truths are conceived by the notion that whatever we believe is true. Atheists believe that there is no God, no Satan and no punishment except death for transgressions against society. They do not believe that a man shall be judges nor punished for his unruly lifestyle after death and that death is the total end of that man. Atrocities against mankind such as genocide against a minority people shall not be punished after the man dies.

The doctrine of Atheism; In a general sense, whatever is taught. Hence, a principle or position in any science; whatever is laid down as true by an instructor or master. The doctrines of the gospel are the principles or truths taught by Christ and his apostles. The doctrines of Plato are the principles which he taught. Hence a doctrine may be true or false; it may be a mere tenet or opinion.

The Atheist teaches that God does not exist therefore right and wrong are traits that were conceived by men, and law was developed by mankind to reign in the unruly among us. They are under the opinion that if Christ, God or the mention of any religion is taught openly that these actions will pervert their children into believing differently from what they were expected to believe and that it somehow affects their rights.

They continue to mention the separation of church and state to back up their religion, but what they fail to realize is that this nation has already established a national religion, and will continue to support the notion and fact that we are a Christian nation, this not accepted by all politicians though, examples which include but are not limited to; In God we Trust, on our currency, One Nation under God, in our pledge of allegiance, The National Christmas Tree, The Ten Commandments on the Supreme Court doors, the National holidays of Christmas and Easter, Crosses mark the graves at Arlington National cemetery, the Argonne Cross and so on.

The principles of Atheism; Tenet; that which is believed, whether truth or not, but which serves as a rule of action or the basis of a system. The principle of atheism has caused a rule of action by many to hate the Christian and Jew, so they have been fighting the doctrines of Jesus and His followers. They deny that God exist and therefore deny that Jesus is the Son of God. They believe that if they force Christianity out of the consciousness of the populace they will cause all men to reject the idea of a God that will judge men on their works after death.

If there is no God what are the atheist afraid of, are they afraid that the symbol of the cross will keep them from obtaining a job; the song Oh Holy Night will give their children nightmares, that the mention of God and His Christ will somehow change the way they want to live? In their attempt to eliminate Christianity and the true religion they have within themselves established their own man made religion of denial and rejection. Sense they do not believe in God or Satan, the image of good by God and evil by Satan, good and evil do not exist and if good and evil do not exist then what they attempt to do has no good in it. In their belief they then are fighting against something that does not exist, therefore they are beating against the air without cause.


Webster, TSK, KJV, Psa 14:1

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