“Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold, my servants shall eat, but ye shall be hungry: behold, my servants shall drink, but ye shall be thirsty: behold, my servants shall rejoice, but ye shall be ashamed: Behold, my servants shall sing for joy of heart, but ye shall cry for sorrow of heart, and shall howl for vexation of spirit.”

The servants of God trust in Him believe in Him and depend upon Him. They put their trust, their families and their lives into His hands. We see because He has taken away our blindness, we hear for He has restored our perception and we feel for He has established His word within our hearts.

Many today have hardened their hearts to the Lords call, even within the Church there are many that see only partial scriptures and have ignored the rest. If we believe in God’s word we must believe in all of it. There are levels of faith as the Bible describes them, from low faith to high even faith that has become shipwrecked.

In these end days there are many people fulfilling Biblical prophecy, mockers are rampant, many have fallen away from the truth and others are filled with the spirit of anti-Christ, the middle east is in turmoil, many calling for democracy where there will never be and others are calling for the union of Christianity with other religions, this causing division.

“my servants shall eat.” This is Gods promise, for those that serve the true and living God shall not go hungry, for Jesus stated that we would be filled, we who hunger and thirst after righteousness.

“but ye shall be hungry, ye shall be thirsty.”

Multitudes shall be hungry for they have refused righteousness and salvation. They have eaten, drank and consumed upon their own lust in this life, they have gone after strange flesh, and strange gods, despising the poor and hating those that worship the Lord, they shall be raised as they fall, for their hunger shall never be satisfied, their thirst shall never be quenched and their soul shall be left to them desolate. Famines shall not be abolished in this world because of the unrighteousness that consumes the people; it is Biblical prophecy coming to pass.

That which is flesh is flesh, today we may hunger for food, but we are never forgotten, for the Lord shall provide our daily bread, we may suffer loss by we are never cast down, we may be destitute by we shall be clothed and will never be destroyed, for the Lord has promised and He is able to deliver, for I have never seen the righteous forsaken nor the Children of God on the streets begging for bread.

The Lord never promised us a home in this life, for He stated with food and raiment therewith be content, by being content we are saying to the Lord that we trust in Him, believe and are satisfied with those things that He has delivered to us. He has promised us the desires of our heart but we must first be content with whatever state we are in.

We must separate ourselves from the worlds thinking of what success is, for the Lord does not measure success by what we have obtained, but by whom we have believed. We must separate ourselves from the worlds thinking of what right and wrong is, for being politically correct in the world’s eyes means compromising the truth to be accepted by all. We must separate ourselves from the worlds thinking of what religion is for even the Bible states that there are gods many and lords many but only one true God, for even the atheist have their own religion which is based upon their faith that God does not exist, for religion is a faith based proposition.

“For though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, (as there be gods many, and lords many,) But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him.”

We are in God by Jesus Christ, we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus, whom we have not seen, not heard but still believe. Let us who believe rejoice even in the times of trials, troubles and even in tribulations, for we have a redeemer who will deliver us out of the darkness, preserve our lives in dire circumstances and feed us in the days of famine.

Has not the Lord answered when we have called upon Him, has He not sent His Holy Spirit to us when we are plagued with illness, fed us in times of hunger, protected us in times of trouble, clothed us when we were naked, taught us when we were ignorant of His word, and has He not given us a path to escape temptations?


Webster, TSK, KJV.

Isa 65:13-14, 1Co 8:5-6

Isaiah 65:13, my servants shall eat: Psa_34:10, Psa_37:19-20; Mal_3:18; Luk_14:23-24, Luk_16:24-25

my servants shall rejoice: Isa_61:7, Isa_66:5, Isa_66:14; Dan_12:2

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