Those of us in America who consider themselves conservative and Christian consider this. Like many of you I have bloviated and blamed the president and his minions for forcing this outrageous heath care legislation, the stimulus and bank bail outs down our throat. I fell into the trap of thinking that the problem was out of control politicians.

Maybe we are looking in the wrong place. We should be looking ourselves square in the eye. Woodrow Wilson is the man who began implementing the progressive agenda. In the 60’s prayer was removed from our public schools and eventually from most public events. The Ten Commandments were not allowed to be displayed and then our religious holidays like Christmas and Easter came under assault. Our school text books were rewritten to insinuate that America was not founded on Christian principles. All the while our government grew larger and our freedoms shank. The most disturbing part was that many Christians bought into the system.

Blaming politicians is the coward’s way out. Politicians pass bills people want, that is job security. I believe our real problem is we have forsaken our Spiritual and moral roots that Washington, Adams and Jefferson believed were the foundation for the fledgling nation.

My generation the baby-boomers believed that more was better. Go for the gusto. Be all you can be at any cost. Live the American Dream. For our Founding Fathers the American dream was Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Over the past 100 years revisionists taught us that the founding fathers idea of the American dream was incomplete. Rights were expanded. It follows that health care should be a right. After all no American should ever have to go without anything that would cause him pain or inconvenience. Education is a right, having a house and a car and 2.5 children is a right. We indulged and sheltered our children so they would not go without and have to struggle to become successful.

The church raced to modify its theology. It has been called the Prosperity Gospel. I call it Entitlement Theology. Christians have a right to health, a right to wealth, and a right to social empowerment. After all, God does not want to see His children suffer!

Today both the church and society believe we are entitled to happiness, healthcare and financial security. Why are we surprised when politicians pass laws that uphold these perceived rights?

The problems in America will not be solved by simply replacing politicians. The church must replace entitlement theology with first century theology that taught the virtues of service and sacrifice. We worship in multi-million dollar edifices and brag about our ministries and our ministers like it is some sort of competition. The message of selflessness and sacrifice is sneered at as old fashioned, unappealing and theologically inaccurate. First century Christians would be appalled by the greed and self centeredness of the modern Christian. They counted the cost and willingly gave up all to follow Christ.

Blame Obama? I think not!

Views: 56


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Comment by Michael Shanlian Ph.D. on March 28, 2010 at 6:34pm
Comment by Dr. Henry, President of the AOCI on March 28, 2010 at 6:00pm
Halleluiah to the Lamb of God! Thank you Jesus for birthing AOCI. You are so awesome and wonderful and Lord, it blesses my heart when ministers can be united in the Spirit. Bring this to us Lord so we can impact the World for you. Amen.
Comment by Michael Shanlian Ph.D. on March 28, 2010 at 5:50pm
When the church acts like the church the world will be in awe and seek what we have. The problem as you have pointed out, Christian denominations shun each other plus we can't even get along with the folks sitting next to us in our own church! Jesus talked about a great falling away in the last days. I do not think he was speaking of the unsaved. Thank-God for the A.O.C.I. God Bless you!
Comment by Michael Shanlian Ph.D. on March 28, 2010 at 1:23pm
I want to give God Praise! I sent this blog post to our local Newspaper and they printed it in the Editorial section. The amazing thing is they published it word for word as written. That is so unusual. I pray someone was blessed and challenged in understanding where the U.S.A. is headed politically and Spiritually.
Comment by Dr. Henry, President of the AOCI on March 28, 2010 at 12:36pm
Amen! Maranatha! Even so, Come Lord Jesus!
Comment by Michael Shanlian Ph.D. on March 28, 2010 at 12:31pm
Brother Andrew,

I like what Dr. Charles Stanley said after President Obama signed the health care bill. "The president has moved us one step closer to the rapture." Our Constitutional Republic is dead. The U.S. is lining up with the European Union which will ultimately be controlled by the Antichrist. The trumpet is about to blow! Blessing to you and your family.
Comment by Very Rev.Dr Andrew M. B. Patrick on March 28, 2010 at 9:34am
Good message brother, you are right on with your remarks...God Bless you and may He have mercy on us in the USA...Rev.Dr.Andrew Manley
Comment by Michael Shanlian Ph.D. on March 26, 2010 at 6:31pm

Repentance + education in my mind is the formula to get back to what made this country great. Many of the younger generation have been taught revisionist history. America is evil, our founding fathers were greedy bigots who preyed on the less fortunate and did not place much emphasis on faith in God. The duty to teach our children first begins at home. I also am a firm believer that preachers need to use the pulpit to educate. That is how it was done in Colonial America through the mid nineteenth century.

I hold politicians accountable for the laws they enact by voting for the ones that uphold the Constitution. You are correct in that the majority of Americans claim to be Christians. I would wager that only about 20% participate in the political arena which is about the same percentage that are active in church.
Thanks for taking the time to respond.
Comment by Rev. Lorrie L. Timbs on March 26, 2010 at 11:45am
I agree with you to a certain point.Yes, we as Christians have stood by and let prayer be banned,abortions legalized, and Jesus to be totally be removed from our jobs,and other public places.We've been guilty of being too passive and compromising toward other pagan religions.You know theres a problem when 80% of Americans claim to be christians and we let the other 20% of the population who aren't decide and control everything.If all the REAL christians would join forces we could change laws and elect whomever we wanted, but satan has used the old divide and conquer ploy against christians forever.First denominations separate us,then he uses the race card to keep us apart.Unfortunately too many christians voted race and not biblically.How could any christian,in good conscience, vote or support anyone who supports abortion.We will be held accountable for our votes.Therefore I do agree with you untill a certain point, but that doesn't negate the fact that Obama and his power czars shouldn't be accountable either.We are all in part accountable for our actions,beliefs,and sins.We all must take the blame in this senario.Repentance is this country's only solution. Rev. Lorrie L. Timbs
Comment by Dr. Henry, President of the AOCI on March 21, 2010 at 9:04pm
Dr. Shanlin, we would all be better off if we heeded your message. Thank you for challenging us to greater heights of true servanthood and discipleship. God bless.

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