CHILD OF GOD – Luke 1: 26- 55

(Read the Scriptures please)


The topic CHILD OF GOD needs to be Scripturally understood, so that we know our role and live accordingly for His glory and to lead others from darkness to light.

The Bible tells of the one true and living God and of His enemy, the devil. 

We need to know that there is a difference between the wicked and the righteous, evil and good, the children of light and children of darkness, there is a heaven and there is a hell.


According to the Bible everyone born in this world is born in sin and is in the kingdom of darkness, is death-doomed and under condemnation of going to hell.  There is not one born without sin, EXCEPT JESUS CHRIST WHO WAS BORN OF VIRGIN MARY!

When we read the greetings of both women – Elizabeth and Mary and we notice their joy that God is working out His promise to Abraham and they are so happy that they have been chosen to have a part in it.   They did not know too much of history nor did they know all that God was going to do through them, but they had a part to play in bringing about the promised Messiah!    

Notice Luke 2: 19 – Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart.

Elizabeth acknowledged Him as her Lord and Mary acknowledged Him as God my Savior.

For God promised a Messiah and now it was happening – this holy thing conceived in Mary’s womb is the Son of the Highest!  Hallelujah!   At various situations and circumstances that happened in Mary’s life, she allowed what she knew to sustain her through it all for she knew that He belonged to God for His purposes.  They each had a different part to do but they were committed to be faithful to do their part.   Both the ladies knew that these CHILDREN were going to make a difference in the world for God Himself is involved.  They had to raise the children in a godly way making them God-conscious and taking care of their physical needs


When you become a CHILD OF GOD you become conscious of the deposit of eternal life within you and now you know God as Father through Jesus Christ His Son (John 1: 12).  You now have peace with God and you enjoy the peace of God as you live out each day of your life thereafter. You are made clean on the inside and you love to walk uprightly before God.  The old life-style and all its attractions have lost their power over you.

You now have a desire to please God and walk righteously for the old man is dead and now you walk in the newness of eternal life. 

We learn as a CHILD OF GOD we have been chosen before the foundation of the world to be in the family of God and to do His will while we live on earth.  If we continue in sin we will be lost forever as warned in Heb. 10: 16-31 read the Scriptures.

Christ now lives in our hearts and we do not to continue in lying and cheating and false accounts and being self-conscious.

When we came to Christ in whatever roles we were in the world – as children, as young people, working people, as wives/husbands, as mothers/fathers or as grand-parents, the miracle of the new birth had taken place.  We need to recognize our part in life and be committed to doing our part well, for all of us have been given a span of life and do not know when we will meet the Lord at His coming or face death in its appointed time.


We have recently celebrated once again the RESURRECTION OF JESUS CHRIST.  It is the same JESUS CHRIST and each of us see HIM from our perspective or roles and we all know about HIM.

I’m playing my role as HIS CHILD born of His Spirit and walking through life’s journey committed to HIM and faithful to HIM telling people who will listen to the good news that they do not have to die in their sins and go to hell.

My present privilege is to preach the Gospel (the story of Jesus, His birth, His life, His sufferings, His crucifixion, His burial, His resurrection, His ascension and His promise to come again for His blood-bought children).  It is very important for you to be born-again or be converted and come out of the kingdom of darkness, have your sins remitted and become a CHILD OF GOD through the blood-sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God on Calvary!

It is only through the sharing/preaching of the Gospel that we are saved for it will bring us to the place of decision making – warning us that at the end of life we are faced with eternity heaven of hell.   Where you spend eternity is based on your CHOICE to submit to God’s plan and totally surrender to follow HIM through life and live with HIM or be lost forever. 


I was deceived holding on to religion and thinking I was good and thought I was ready for heaven for I had not yet heard the Gospel that convicts you of sin, of righteousness and judgment to come.   As a teenager I heard of what He did for me and heard His invitation and I committed totally to follow HIM.   Jesus Christ became everything to me for my life was radically changed.  I began to love God’s people, God’s house, and wanted all that He had for me.  I got baptized in the Holy Ghost and got baptized in water later like He said.  The more I read the Word the more I desired to do what He said.


As a CHILD OF GOD you will love the Word of God to know more about Him and please HIM.

The Word of God helps you to grow strong in HIM and it will lead you to obeying HIM

(Ps. 119: 105; V130-133; Pro.12: 12;   2 Tim. 2: 15;   Col. 3: 15;   Num 23: 19 – please read them)

As a CHILD OF GOD you will love to have fellowship with the Lord in prayer.  Jer. 33: 3; and Jn 14: 14;   Mt.7: 7, 8, 18: 19

As a CHILD OF GOD you will obey the Lord, in water baptism, in baptism of the Holy Spirit, in tithing, in charity, in being involved in spreading the Word of God.

As a CHILD OF GOD you would love witnessing for the Lord, lifting HIM up, you will love to rescue souls from going to hell.   You will love bringing souls into the kingdom and disciple them into being fruit bearing branches.   Acts 1: 8; 


May God help us as we learn the Word of God, we will grow in truth and bear fruit so that we don’t get cut off because we do not bear fruit as said in John 15.

 Margaret Wright

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