My ways are not your ways because you do not have the complete picture and you do not possess all the necessary information. You cannot truly know what needs to be done without that information, and you cannot know the timeframe in which it must take place. I am often working behind the scenes in ways that you are not aware of, in order that I might bring My glory into your situ...ation. Nothing catches Me by surprise or throws Me off guards. I know what I am doing, even when it does not appear that way to you.

So often your human reason looks at your situation and then shouts to you what it believes must be done, and that is what you expect Me to do. But when you look at what I am doing, it does not match what you expect. This discrepancy will occur over and over again in your life until you learn to lay aside your own ways and embrace Mine.

When My way does not match yours, guess which one is the correct one? Guess which one will yield the lasting results and bring My glory into your situation? (It is not hard to guess, is it, child?) You know My way is the better way, and yet at times you have times trusting Me as you see what My way entails. When My way and My timeframe do not match yours, don’t fall into the trap of thinking that I am not active on your behalf. Do not think that I don’t care about your situation or that I am not taking care of you or any other lies that Satan tries to shout at you.

Your enemy, the devil, is a liar and the father of lies. He will try to convince you that things should be done your way and not Mine. He will try to use your own human reasoning against you to convince you that I am not taking proper care of you and that you should take matters into your own hands. He uses that strategy because he knows that I am looking for you to trust Me despite appearances and despite your present circumstances. I expect you to embrace My ways in faith and obedience. He does not want you to do this because he knows it will usher in My glory, and he will be pushed back and lose ground. So he tries to convince you to do it any other way but My way.

Your human reasoning is incomplete, it never has all of the facts that I have. You are never going to be able to figure out My way from your reasoning and your human thinking. But if you will press into Me and be filled with My Spirit, then I will reveal My way to you. I will show them to you. I will deposit them into your spirit, for your spirit is better able to understand and embrace My ways than your mind is. Your mind can become an enemy to your faith when it tries to figure out My way from human reasoning – because My way is not derived from human thinking. My way is spirit and it is life, and it is greater than what you can think or comprehend.

I am asking you to embrace faith and let go of your human reasoning. Your mind will tell you that the situation is impossible or that I cannot redeem it and turn it around for My glory. But your mind is flesh and it is carnal: it is not capable of seeing in the spirit to comprehend precisely what I am doing. Learn to trust Me even when your understanding cries out against that. My ways are not natural to your way of thinking, but they are good and they are dependable and you can trust them.

Your walk of faith will get so much easier when you learn to lay aside your own ways of thinking, your human expectation, your own ways of doing things to embrace Mine. Learn to trust Me and learn to start doing things My way. Embrace My way and you will see My glory come!!

(Sent to me by yvonne@neverthirstagain.org.)

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