VISION 2015!!!!! (Nation Builders International Global Bank)
I have felt the pain of having a vision and sometime struggling with finances. I have experienced what it means to be anointed and yet  financially burdened; and I have decided to convert my experience into a Bank to empower men and women of vision and talent. Nation Builders International Global Bank, Vision 2015!!! The world needs a bank that can be there for men/women of vision and talent without manipulating them. (Nation Builders International Global Bank) is coming as an answer to visionaries and men/women of talents.Most of the world's wealth is in the wrong hands for the control and manipulation of individuals, groups, communities,societies and nations but this has to stop. Until this economic monopoly and manipulation is reversed, the world will remain in continuous financial misery. NBIGB is poised to reverse this economic quagmire and to lead a new era of compassionate banking to empower men/women of vision, passion and ideas. Our slogan: Converting pain into passion to empower others!!!!!!!WATCH OUT FOR MORE INFO@ Dr Etta

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