And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. ROM 12:2

The real distinction between a child of God and an unbeliever, between the Church and the world system, is not in dress code but in the renewal of the mind which makes possible the understanding of the will of God. However, there exist today among God’s people, so many misconceptions about the will of God which I trust God to help me expose. This title will subsequently be developed into a book, watch out for it.

Misconception 1:( If it is God’s will, everything is bound to go smoothly)

This is one of the misconceptions held by several believers and even some men/women of God throughout the ages regarding the will of God but this is very far from the truth. So, once some believers/ministers confront real challenges or fierce opposition, the QUESTIONS which come to their minds are; can this really be God’s will for me? Is it the wrong timing? Can it be I am in this by myself? Why this mindset? The reason is simple; for several centuries, the above notion regarding the will of God has been preached, published, sang in songs, and acted in Christian drama’s and movies, etc, and it has registered in the mindset of many believers as a parameter of accessing the will of God.

Why is this concept far from the truth? It is because, it is the very opposite of what takes place when one is in the will of God. In fact, there is nothing in the world as challenging as the will of God; the will of God is fought, resisted and opposed than anything in this world. Thus, thinking when you are in the will of God, everything is bound to be smooth is nothing but a fallacy. Let’s look at some biblical portions to gain more clarity on this crucial topic.

And he was withdrawn from them about a stone's cast, and kneeled down, and prayed, Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done. Lk 22:41-42

In the above scripture, the captain of our salvation demonstrated clearly the truth about the will of God.

i)It is what our flesh hates reason being that, it is not easy and smooth as we think but very demanding and challenging. That’s why He prayed, “Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me”. You can’t ask for something to be removed if it is smooth, rosy and cozy. Jesus Christ conquered the devil when He ended His prayers with these words; “NEVERTHELESS NOT MY WILL, BUT THINE, BE DONE.

Read what followed after, He was arrested, beaten, spat on, crucified and was buried. Wow! Can these all be the will of God????????? Listen! The will of God can’t be accomplished by half hearted saints; it takes those who have died in the flesh to really walk in the will of God.

CONSEQUENCES OF THE ABOVE NOTION!!! ( If it is God’s will, everything is bound to go smoothly)

If the devil can succeed to convince one that, if one is in God’s will, things are bound to be smooth, he can easily succeed in getting one out of the will of God anytime, any day, anywhere. All he has to do is to maintain stiff opposition against God’s will for one’s life and that will get one rethinking if one missed the will of God.

Millions of believers have abandon projects and callings which were intended to bring great glory to God, simply because they though they where not in the will of God, due to the stiff opposition, difficulties and troubles which greeted them on their way while trying to accomplish what they though is the will of God.

I am not saying that, everything about the will of God has to be challenging and difficult but the truth is, out of 100 things you have to accomplish which are in accordance to the will of God, 98% will be faced by stiff resistance, opposition and difficulties. Why? The devil won’t sit by watching us as we do the will of God; he will want to do all he can to derail us. With this understanding, I encourage you to rise up and launch back what you abandon thinking it was not the will of God because of the difficulties you encountered.

Watch out for more insight on this topic from my soon to be published book, Understanding the will of God.

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