My achievements is all about Jesus and what He is able to perform in a submitted, committed individuals life...It's Not about titles or Degrees! Study to show thyself approved unto GOD. Education has been and is a tool through which I continuously seek to grow closer to my Heavenly Father and to be positioned to do HIS WILL and to GLORIFY HIS NAME! I Believe No matter how many degrees, accolades, titles,tributes or honors one may attain to, until one achieves the knowing and the living of life according to God's word, will and His way, though he think himself to be something he is actually nothing....I bless the Lord for my journey..even the days of pain and suffering... loss and disappointment.. and yes "disobedience" too! but I'm not tired yet and greater things than these shall I Christs' strength and in Christs' power..I can do all things through and in HIM.for I have truly discovered that the more I learn, the more I realize there's more to learn, that there's enough I don't know to make a whole new world! Thank God that HE who began a good work in me continues to do it until His return...He is my Strength and all my help, achievement and purpose comes from the LORD!!! Help us not to become puffed up by our knowledge, but let us rest in the knowledge of knowing you.

Rev. Dr.Vincent Donnell Dent

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Comment by Dr. Vincent Donnell Dent on September 17, 2012 at 5:54pm
Congratulations Dr. Vincent D Dent

The National Association of Christian Ministers (N.A.C.M.), LC acknowledges that:

You have demonstrated a devout belief in the Christian faith, a call to ministry, and have passed the scrutiny of the Council of Elders. Therefore, on the authority of Matthew 28:19-20 this religious organization deems you an Independent Ordained Minister with all of the obligations and rites that are associated with this title.

Father, in the name of Jesus we set apart your servant this day requesting that you make use of them in the ministry of your Kingdom. We ask that you give them wisdom to know your ways, strength to resist sin, courage to face adversity, and a love for people that fulfills your law. We thank you for your purpose and calling on their life.

By the blood of Jesus and the power of His Spirit –AMEN.

Congratulations on your acceptance and recognition into the Christian ministry of Jesus Christ. The N.A.C.M. has enlisted you in its Minister Verification Database (MVD) so that government and civil agencies may confirm your good standing with our organization.
Comment by Pstr Mary Lusambo on April 9, 2012 at 3:17pm

You are very right Dr. May the Living God continue to give u wisdom to interpret knowledge.

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