"Uniting Christian & Jewish Clergy from Around the World"
Due to inability of many to live above average they have settled for less and lived below the plans and purpose of God for them thus could be as a result of lack of diligence, hard work, planning and focus.
Note:- An average man or woman is the best of the worst a man on the fence- I pray against the spirit of average in your life in Jesus name. An average man is satisfied with average living Gen. 5:27. They keep comparing them self with people behind them instead of motivating for a better life .When you start to compare yourself to those people you are better than, you are trying to settle for your present position . You are not meant to be stagnant , it is what you think that you are : whatever a man thinketh in his mind so he is. . . . . .
Nobody can move forward by looking back.
Nobody can move forward with a reverse gear.
Nobody can move forward looking only at the rear mirror
Remember that a man that is limited can not be lifted , stop looking down on your self, stop self pity and God will lift you.
You can only move forward when you can compare or see yourself equal with those that are above you.
Phili. 3:13-14
Love , think and aspire to be like those above you.
You can be proud over average living by saying after all, Iam not the worst student , I am not the poorest etc
I came from an average home even if we can't afford 3 meals a day we can eat twice , that is not the will of God for you . You can't afford to be stagnant in a moving word.
They have shallow dreams and shallow mentality , remember that your dream is your power no one gets to a destination without a journey , it is only dreamers that rule the world , you can't rise above your wisdom. Those without dream die young , they are candidate of failure and can never excel. CALEB AND JOSHUA . Num: 13:27,28,30-33.
Those that settle for less are not willing to risk , sacrifice or pay the price for outstanding living , your location doesn't determine your allocation , your outstanding living is a product of the price you are willing to pay, to be outstanding is to stand out , you can't achieve what you are not willing to pay for . 1 Sam. 17 , Gen. 22:6-18.
They are always contented with their status. You can't progress , rise or operate above your present level if there is nobody to challenge you , ignorance is not an excuse . Some can't acknowledge that they are average , the are like a fish born in aquarium that is ignorant of a better life in the ocean .
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The AOCI exists as a fellowship of Spirit-filled Evangelical and Jewish Clergy for the purpose of: 1) Exalting God 2) Fellowshiping and 3) Divine Networking.
We do NOT advise, nor do we seek, to bring members out of their current denomination or ministerial association. We seek to have a platform to UNITE the Clergy of the world in ways that can benefit not only the Kingdom of God, but also the men and women who faithfully serve their communities, one another, and God.
© 2025 Created by Dr. Henry, President of the AOCI. Powered by
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