What  gave Daniel break through  , connection and rest in the land was his uncompromising life.  Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defiled himself no matter what because he had a relationship with  God and he decided not to reduced himself because he has been redeemed and never to be reduced.  Whenever you compromised with your standard either in your preaching of the word of God . nor in your dressing, nor in your praying system , nor finding yourself in an unpleasant manner , you displeased God .

There are some people who  do not know how to say I WILL NOT.. They do not have the ability to say no and they ends up pleasing man rather than God . Brethren shall we obey man rather than God   Because of food , money or what to wear? God forbid  .

1Kgs. 13:7 The very essence of righteous life, sanctified is the ability to say I WILL NOT, AND I SHALL NOT for they are based in your knowing the word of God .

Neh. 6:3 . I have given my life for something that I will not , I can not  and I shall not. You must be able to know when to say no and when to say yes, no matter the tight, no matter the strength .  This speaks of your integrity as a child of God .

Neh. 10:29-31  You must be a man of decision . Jesus said your say yes must be yes, that is integrity   .  To live an uncompromising life is that you must have a purposeful heart . For today I have made up mine mind on something and I will not change from my believe.

Acts. 11:23  We can see grace , your faith ,your love and your pride through your actions . Whatever you are doing without the purpose of heart you can't  achieve it because an enemy is there watching.  It is the matter of the heart.  When the heart is weak  it will compromise . If you are saying yes to every one you see that means that heaven stands a risk  on your side  because you can't pleased God with such life. To make heaven you need an ability to take your stand . To make heaven you must be able to stand on your believe. today the devil is watching to see your weakest point to tempt you . May you be strong in the days of your temptation

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