My wife and I have a testimony that to the non believer is unbelievable. Only true children of God who know how He works can believe His great love. Here is our testimony we want to share with you.

In September of 2009, my wife was also called into the evangelistic ministry. Because we have pets we can't leave behind when we travel we began searching to buy a motorhome. In December a lady that worked at the company my wife worked for donated a 1999 Coachmen Catalina Sport with less than 36,000 miles on it to our ministry. We took possession of it in January of this year and took it to church to rededicate it back to God and have it annointed with oil and prayed over.

My wife had never believed in women ministers so naturally she tried to ignore the calling. In March, God spoke to her and told her that her ministry was not to sing a couple of songs and then sit back in the Amen section while I preached and to begin working on her own ministry. Working full time and going to school at nights kept her pretty busy but 2 weeks later she broke her ankle in 5 places...thus, slowed her down...considerably. She had to withdraw from school, went on FMLA at work and spent the next 3 months in a recliner studying the Bible and talking to God. She began witnessing to people where ever we went from her wheel chair. Her first sermon was given at Our Father's House in Cowan, TN in June of this year.

But going back to May, I asked what we should do about the house while we were on the road and she said, we should sell it, I don't think we will be back this way very often. I told her we would prepare to put it on the market but I didn't have to. The very next day, a lady my wife knew came to the house and told my wife shewas out looking for a house because she was getting a divorce and needed a home for her and her adopted son. My wife told her we were going to be selling ours, her eyes surveyed the room she was standing in and she said matter of factly, "I'll take it."

On Memorial Day we went to the RV and annointed it a second time. God spoke to us and told us June 26 He wanted us to go full time. June 17th we decided to have a moving sale, we made our signs, decided to run the sale till June 24th at 5 PM and anything left over would be donated to charity. On June 24th we still had 2 bedrooms of furniture, a piano, a china cabinet and miscellaneous other items. At noon that day, no one had come all day, I went to buy lunch and my wife prayed for God to send someone to buy more things to help pay or our travel. That afternoon at a little after 4 a man and his wife showed up. He picked out a few things and sat down to wait on his wife. At 4:30 he looked at me and said, God just told me to buy you out, name me a price. We did, he wrote a check and took everything we had left. The only thing we had to donate were 13 garbage bags full of clothes we gave to the homeless shelter.

We gave up our jobs, gathered our animals and loaded our meager belongings we had left into the RV and hit the road on June 26.

From June until August, God sent us through 12 states. On our way from N. Dakota to Texas we were side swiped in Missouri. It totaled our home and sent our life into a spin.

We came back to Tennessee shaken and confused as to why this happened. Before the accident the dash lights had started coming on, brakes, seat belt lights...we were prophesied to that if we'd gone on to Texas there would have been a fire that would have destroyed our animals. The RV had started to develop mechanical problems on top of everything else.

God is so wonderful, He moved for us again. The guy that hit us had good insurance, it paid us promptly for our loss (giving us more than 2x what our insurance valued the RV at). The Lord blessed us with a 5th wheel and pickup truck and we still had money left over.

We haven't gotten to travel out of state since the accident, God is keeping us here for now. We belong to a church that has services on Sunday afternoon and every other Saturday night, we also go to a church Sunday morning, Sunday night and Wednesday nights. This church also has a broadcast and they have us on every Saturday evening to sing and have a special women's service the first Saturday of every month. We have visited other churchs in the area singing. Although we are disappointed and want to hit the road again for the Lord, He isn't telling us where we should go because He has a work for us here.

When we first started out we felt our testimony could bless a lot of people and contacted christian radio stations to see if they would allow us to come on and tell it but they would not give us the time.

We totally live by faith. God promised He would supply our needs and He does. We have not gone hungry, our few bills we have get paid, and we manage to keep gas for our vehicle which has a big motor (to be able to pull the 5th wheel) and burns gas. We would love to come share our testimony with your church and sing/minister also if you'd like.

Please keep us and our ministry in your prayers that God will open doors no man can shut. We have been seeking God as to if we should pastor a church. If it be His will pray that one will come open for us and someone will find favor in us. Thank you.

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