Behold, I and the children whom the LORD hath given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the LORD of hosts, which dwelleth in mount Zion. Isa 8:18

The greatest gifts God gives to a spiritual father are children not ordinary church members. What is the difference between children and nominal church members? Children are those under a spiritual father with the vision of receiving an impartation which could permit them take the move of God to another level in their generation. Their desire is to be used of God in greater dimensions and not just to attend church.

Ordinary members on the other hand are those who come under spiritual fathers because they believe God to receive from the anointing of the fathers, healing, deliverance, and financial prosperity and that ends it. They have no other vision in view, but that which concerns their physical, financial and social needs. It is unfortunate today that, most of the body of Christ is made up of ordinary members. This accounts for the too many breakthrough programs the church is busy organizing, so as to fulfill the lust of this breed of high maintenance, but low impact converts.

In fact, the devil may allow a spiritual father of faith to spend all of his year’s gathering ordinary members who will be of no menace to hell, but he will fight any father whose sole vision is the development of children into men and women of valor. This is because, the devil is not scared of large churches, but he is troubled each time he sees an army of  men and women being raised to challenge his system and to plunder his kingdom. That is what scares him most.

The gift of God to a man of God are children; Moses had Joshua, Jacob had Joseph, Naomi had Ruth, Elijah had Elisha, Christ had the disciples, etc.

As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth.
Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate. Ps 127:4-5

Like Rachel cried to Jacob,"GIVE ME CHILDREN OR I DIE" it's time for every spiritual leader to ask God desperately for genuine children; sons and daughters in the faith who can take the move of God to another level in these days. Children who are for signs and wonders are the pride/joy of every true father and not ordinary church members.

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