I have wondered if there really is L.A.K. You might ask what L.A.K. is and rightfully so. L.A.K is Life After Kids. Please, please I beg you don't misunderstand what I am saying. I love these three (yes now there are three grand children living in our home) children that live with us. It is a joy and an honor to love these kids and provide the love and encouragement that children so desperately need. I grew up in a family quiet honestly where my parents were very strict. I can only remember twice in my life that I ever heard the words "I love you" spoken to my brother and I. But I did realize that my parents loved us when I would remember that they took the time and love to adopt us and bring us into their home. But I made a vow before God that any child that came into my life whether as my own child or as a grandchild, or any child for that matter would always know that Jesus Loves them and so do I. My wife showed me a page that just turned my stomach. It was a page that is dedicated to out and out abuse of children. It may be done in fun, but that is not fun. No child should EVER suffer physical abuse. So don't take what I am saying the wrong way.

Since 1976 there has been a child in my home continuously. From diapers to driving a car. From newborn pictures to graduation and wedding pictures and beyond. During this period there have been moments of wanting to just pack up and go live like a hermit in some cave or cabin in the woods. Now parents, admit it. You have been there too. Just about the time you are wanting to sit down and just let it all hang out and drink a cup of coffee or ice tea and watch a race on TV. or just sit with mommy and have a quiet time of "Oh. Who are you? Do I know you? Oh yea. You’re my wife. Nice to meet you. What How have you been? Oh I'm okay." comes that sound of "Mommy. Matthew hit me." Or "Daddy, we're hungry." How about that time that you want to have a romantic moment with your spouse. You just get together and having a long awaited hug. Just as your lips come together in that long anticipated kiss, you feel these hands that are a lot lower that your wife’s tugging at you pant leg and a voice from down under say, "I just threw up in my room." What a moment killer. On those very few and far between trips that you plan, from that back seat of the car comes those voices, "Are we there yet?" "I have to go to the bathroom." But you just went five minutes ago. "I gotta go really bad." Or that famous one. "But why didn't you go when we stopped five minutes ago?”I don't know. Just didn't have to go then."

How about another one. Being out in public trying to do some shopping and all of a sudden you child blurts something out that just makes you want to crawl into the nearest hole and cover yourself up? Art Linkletter had a show many years ago that was called, "Kids Say The Darndest Things." Ain't that the truth. One child one day was with his parents out at the mall and they were shopping and all of a sudden, out of his mouth "Daddy. That man looks like that werewolf picture that I say on TV last night. Is he a werewolf? I'm SCARED. He's so UGLY." The child may have just whispered it, but NO. As loud as he could say it he spoke it. It reverberated against ever wall. Down every hall and into every store. Ever had that happen? I know I have. Bill Cosby said "I brought you into this world and I can take you out and make another one just like you." Oh those feelings. Makes you look forward to the day that they grow up and mom and dad can move away and not leave a forwarding address. "Where are we going honey?" "I don't know just get into the car, it's packed and ready. Hurry. The last one is married and gone. Let's get out of here." Aren't we going to tell the kids?" "Are you smoking crack or something? Now's our chance to just fade into the sunset and leave no forwarding address." A vast majority if you will be honest with me will have to admit "Been there, done that." Oh the single life again.

Is there Life After Kids? No. There isn't. But even with these moments that have occurred along this journey and wanting to take the first space ship to the moon to get away, that love of God is in your heart knowing that these children are gifts from God. You begin to remember the first time that they waddled into your office and bring you a picture and say "Daddy I love you and made this for you." You look at the picture and what do you see? Not really sure what it is. But they tell you that's mommy, that's you and that's me right in the middle and we are holding hands because I love you." Or sitting in the audience and watching your child walk across the stage and get their diploma and they are moving on into first grade, then high school then graduating from high school. Life's special moments.

Is there Life After Kids? Don't want there to be. I don't think I could stand it without a child young or old being there so I could watch them grow and help them along the way. That's the way that God has intended it to be. I am His child. Can you imagine these same thoughts going through His mind? No. He promised to be with us each and every day. Never to leave us nor forsake us. To be with us through the end of time. Time never ends with God. It goes on forever. And so there you have it. We are made in His image. He has given us kids to help us GROW as well as them. So take the time today to tell your kids three simple powerful words. "I LOVE YOU." Because God has told us that. Remember what He gave us? That perfect gift. His only begotten Son. Who died for us that we may be free from sin and live with Him forever.

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