Simple, But Not Simplistic

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
John 3:16

Recommended Reading
1 Corinthians 15:1-5

The physics equation explaining one of the deepest areas of man's knowledge--the relationship between time and space in the universe--is expressed in very simple terms: E=mc2. When Albert Einstein proposed this theory in a 1905 scientific paper, he probably didn't realize how simply he had expressed such a complicated set of realities.

John 3:16, is the spiritual equivalent of Einstein's theory of relativity. John 3:16 explains in simple words the most profound truth in the universe: the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Gospel is simple, but not simplistic. The truth of the Gospel is beyond human comprehension--how a holy God could sacrifice His own Son to redeem a race of creatures who had rebelled against Him. Nothing in the universe is more profound, yet the Gospel is expressed in terms that the simplest of persons can understand. We don't have to understand God's thoughts and ways. It is enough to believe that He loves us and forgives us.

Why not pause today and thank God for making the world's most profound truth simple enough for you to act on by faith.

The gospel is the clear manifestation of the mystery of Christ.
John Calvin

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