For me to live is Christ. Is it possible to sum up and existence with one word. The word Jesus. He is the Alpha and Omega. The first and the last. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. The one who is and is to come. Jesus, Who is he to me? He is the Prince of peace who calms my soul. He is the great high preist who redeems my soul. He is the King of Kings who governs my soul. He's the Great Prophet Who uluminates my soul. He is the beloved, who loves my soul. He is the judge of the living and the dead, who vindicates my soul. He is the resurrection and the life, who preserves my soul. He is the great I am, who assures my soul. Jesus King of glory, King of the ages, King of all the earth,King of Kings, My King. Jesus, When I am hungry he is The Bread Of Life that feeds me. When I am lost he is the way that leads me home. When I am trapped He is the door to freedom. When I am uncertain He is the rock. When I am speechless he is the word. When I am in despair He is the bright morning star. When I am soiled he is the Lamb of God that washes away my sin. When I am afraid he is the Lion of the tribe of Judah. When I am enpoverished He is the unspeakable gift. When I am in darkness He is the light. Lord of glory, Lord of hosts, Lord of all, My Lord. To Him alone belongs no other name


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