Troy Shanley
  • Male
  • Port Leyden, NY
  • United States
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I am involved in a music ministry in my church. I play 12 string guitar. and I also go out into the community and play for the elderly along with my mother who plays key board. I am going for my bachelor of ministry online through Aimes Bible college. and I do other duties in my church as needed.

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Troy Shanley's Blog


Posted on March 27, 2010 at 12:18pm 0 Comments

For me to live is Christ. Is it possible to sum up and existence with one word. The word Jesus. He is the Alpha and Omega. The first and the last. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. The one who is and is to come. Jesus, Who is he to me? He is the Prince of peace who calms my soul. He is the great high preist who redeems my soul. He is the King of Kings who governs my soul. He's the Great Prophet Who uluminates my soul. He is the beloved, who loves my soul. He is the judge…


Comment Wall (12 comments)

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At 1:05pm on October 16, 2013, Grace Mary said…

At 3:04pm on October 16, 2012, Rev Janice G Presson Burell gave Troy Shanley a gift
At 1:04pm on March 27, 2010, Bro.RAJESWAR(INDIA) said…
At 11:15am on March 27, 2010, Bro.RAJESWAR(INDIA) gave Troy Shanley a gift
At 11:14am on March 27, 2010, Bro.RAJESWAR(INDIA) said…
My story with God

JESUS, rescuer of the abandoned!
JESUS, hope of those in despair!
JESUS, guiding star to the lost!
JESUS, joyful return of the exile!
JESUS, unforeseen victory!
JESUS, eternal triumph!
JESUS, radiant dawn after endless night!
JESUS, everlasting light of the Kingdom!
JESUS, wipe away my tears!
JESUS, calm the panic of my heart!
JESUS, exultation of those hemmed in by fear!
JESUS, joy of those crushed by sorrow!
JESUS, light to those in darkness, glory to You!

JESUS, provider of our daily bread!
JESUS, helper of the helpless!
JESUS, giver of all good gifts!
JESUS, grant peace to a heart in turmoil!
JESUS, calmer of storms!
JESUS, haven of the voyager!
JESUS, life-changing power!
JESUS, promise of final triumph!
JESUS, giver of invincible peace!
JESUS, light to those in darkness, glory to You!
At 3:42pm on March 6, 2010, Troy Shanley said…

At 3:41pm on March 6, 2010, Troy Shanley said…
Bless you Brother Perez
At 2:03pm on March 6, 2010, Chaplain J.R. Perez said…
Welcome to AOCI Brother Shanley
At 5:22pm on March 5, 2010, Troy Shanley said…
thank you one and all. It is a blessing of god to be a part of his work. I forgot to mention in my membership That I am also assistant pastor for a refuge ministry for men here in our area called Light House Ministry please keep us in your thoughts for we are just starting out.
At 2:16pm on March 5, 2010, Christopher R. Dockrey said…
Welcome to the AOCI and God bless!

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