I watch with embarrassment and bewilderment that after more than 2000 years of the existence of the church, what still excite most of God's people after 2000 years are prophesies from prophets; the manifestation of falling under the anointing and petty miracles, etc. I'm amaze at the enormous time invested on the above and the millions of Christians who travel from "post to post," just to be part of the above experiences.

There is absolutely nothing wrong, if the above takes place as directed by the Lord; what is wrong is the fact that, after 2000 years of the existence of the church, our quest for God and what we know and understand as the move of God has not risen above these little manifestations. It's like a baby who refuses to walk after 2000 years and a grown-up man who decides to feed on baby food.

God has a syllabus and elaborate program that needs to be fully covered before the return of the Lord. Ironically, after 2000 years of the existence of the Church, we are still celebrating the first chapters and we have taken them for the final chapters.

When the foundation of the temple was laid, during the days of Ezra, the reaction on that day was mixed. The ancient men who lived in the days of Solomon, who knew of the glory of the temple at that time, compared to what was rebuild began weeping, while the younger generation that had no knowledge of what the temple looked like, were celebrating. Why were the ancient men weeping and the young generation celebrating? The answer is simple, the ancient men knew what the younger generation didn’t know; they had a deeper comprehension of what the temple looked like in its originality, while they younger generation were simple relating to what was before them, with no historic insight. (Ezra 3:10-13)

This scenario is played across the Church world today; while those who know too little to be sober are chanting of a move of God as they receive prophetic words, fall under the anointing, and witness petty miracles, those God has graced with heavenly insight on what his program is, and what the church is supposed to be preoccupied with, in this dispensation, are weeping and groaning for a genuine move of God.

In this critical hour of the church, the questions are; where are God's true messengers to lead the church out of her present stalemate? Where are true Apostolic leaders to lead the next move of God intended to bring the Church into the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ? Eph 4:13

Where are true anointed men and women with the spirit of Elijah to confront the prophets of Baal masquerading as God's prophets today? Is there not a cause for an emergence of a generation of God's people to challenge the gates of hell by standing for the truth?

God has never left himself without a witness. He told Elijah; "I have left me seven thousand men, which have not bowed their knees to Baal." It's time for this remnant people to end their silence; silence at this time is an act of treason against the kingdom.

May we hear the battle cry for a true spirit led revolution that will bring us into a walk with the Lord like nothing we have ever embarked on! Let the revolution begin! DrBenard Etta


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