Move from Brick and Mortar to Click and Order

Move from brick and mortar to click and order

Shoot like a rocket out of the past and into the future, but don’t forget to pause at Now to refuel and listen to new instruction. Have you noticed how fast everything is moving? It seems like I just went to Watch Night Service on New Year’s Eve a couple of weeks ago. But it was really almost 4 months ago! Yet, if I let myself get stuck in past events, not regrets for things I did, but those things I was failed to accomplish because of worldly influences, I find those things as clear in my mind as if they happened yesterday. Let me give you an example of this as it pertains to my life. I have discussed this before. (See, even I am going back to past events, but this will be the last time for this subject.) I was criticized, questioned about my motives, and even cut off by family members who thought I was spending too much time on the Internet, especially Facebook. I actually entertained these criticisms because they came from someone I love and respect. I questioned myself and it caused me to doubt my purpose. But then the Holy Spirit within me reminded me that I am to be a Disciple. It is not enough for me to read and understand the Word of God, I am to act on it and pass it on. James spoke about this in his Epistle. “Faith without works is dead” 2:26. What he was saying is that faith without works cannot even be called faith. Faith must work, it must produce and it must be visible. Even verbal and mental faith is not enough. Faith must inspire action. When I got past my old way of thinking, I moved rapidly in faith and God put the Super with my natural. I designed and published a website to the glory of God in just 2 days. I started writing daily devotionals. Each day, I write what the Holy Spirit directs and I share these words on Facebook, my own website and the websites of 2 others who are God’s chosen people. I also email these writings to everyone on my email contact list. I am faithful and honored to express my faith to anyone who is willing to listen.

Our Bishop Eddie L. Long gave me some powerful words last night. At times during the Empowerment Session, I felt he was speaking to me and me alone. He confirmed what the Spirit had already told me. But, I must confess, that sometimes I need confirmation. It was Bishop who spoke the words that I use as my title today. This is something that really grabbed me. Bishop said, “When I make a natural decision to do something in my life and with my life that will glorify God, I trigger the Supernatural power of God and the grace of God to bring it to pass.” It’s time for us to find new ways to do things. It might have worked in the past to build with brick and mortar. That was a very time-consuming way of creating something new. But it’s time to move into the new things. The Internet is one of those new things, created by God, for us to use. Before, we had to go to the bookstore, browse through the shelves to find the books we wanted to buy. We had to stand in long lines in order to pay for the books. We had to take the time to drive to the bookstore, sometimes getting frustrated because the traffic was bad or because we couldn’t find a parking place. Now, through the Internet, all we have to do is click and order and the books will arrive on our doorsteps.

God is showing up now in this Season of rapid movement to discuss the new, not the old, so that His glory can be manifested in a new Testimony. When we let go of the old, it’s like pulling our feet out of cement and being able to sprint forward. In Isaiah 43:18-21 God speaks to Isaiah saying, “Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. The beast of the field will honor Me, the jackals and the ostriches, because I give waters in the wilderness and rivers in the desert, to give drink to My people, My chosen. This people I have formed for Myself; they shall declare My praise.”

For those of you who know me, you already know I have been going through some financial challenges. Let me give you another example of stepping out of the old way and into the new and the glory of God that was demonstrated when I let go of the old. This is my new Testimony. My Mom had a Chevy Blazer. It was the car that she used to use when she was still able to drive. Even though she has not been able to drive for over 2 years, we held on to that Blazer. And I drove it when I lost my other cars. It served it’s purpose. But, it was also like my crutch. I knew I had the Blazer to rely on and honestly, I made no attempt to move forward to get a car of my own. The Blazer was a comfort zone for me. Then one day, it blew a head gasket and it wouldn’t drive anymore. We had no money to repair it. But still, I held on thinking that one day I could afford to have it repaired. It sat on the street, tires going flat and I continued to pay the insurance on it. When I finally decided to let it go, my husband and my mother came into agreement with me. The next day I sold that old Blazer for $200. 2 days later, God put new money in my hand and I was able to buy another car. And it isn’t just a car, it is a station wagon with a third seat so now I have room to transport others to New Birth with me. That was the Supernatural power of God.

I spoke yesterday about the exhilaration that is felt when you let go and give it all to God. He is working on me now in another area that has caused much distress, discouragement and anxiety. I have let this problem go and I am waiting patiently to see the manifestation of His glory in this decision. I have wasted too many hours being sad about this. I know He is here with me and will lead me in the right direction. He already has the answer waiting for me. All I have to do is “Seek and I will find. “ I am waiting for the new Testimony to glorify the name of my On-Time God!

Please pray with me.

Heavenly Father,

YOU are my On-Time God. My faith is in You and You alone. Without You I can accomplish nothing. You set my course before I was even born and I praise You for Your divine plan. Continue to show me what Your will is for my life so that others can see Your glory. I rejoice in my new testimonies. It is all about You. I praise You, I adore You and I bless Your Holy Name! Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.

In the matchless name of Your only Son Jesus the Christ,

Amen, Amen and Halleluiah!

Maryanne Winder Lester


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Comment by Dr. Henry, President of the AOCI on April 14, 2010 at 10:37am
Tks for the invite I will be viewing your website soon. Keep up the great work. God bless.
Comment by Maryanne Winder Lester on April 14, 2010 at 9:59am
Thank you Dr. Henry. It my pleasure to share my daily writings on your site. I invite you to see the Glory of God on the website I created. Please take a look. I would be honored.
Comment by Dr. Henry, President of the AOCI on April 14, 2010 at 9:55am
Thank you so much for this needed blog Rev. Lester. God bless you!

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