He is Positioning the Chosen

Melvin & Maryanne Lester

First let me say, “Glory be to God the Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”

Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding. Remember Him in everything you do, and He will lead you down the right path.” Amen.

What a powerful verse this is! The verse deals with our faith in God, committing to His every word. As a sinner I know He died for me. Just think about it, which of your friends can say “I died for you!” They normally say “I would die for you,” but they can take that back. They can change their minds. And when pushed, they don’t really mean it at all. Most wouldn’t even stay and fight with you. Instead, they would probably turn and run away. No one knows what they would do until the situation comes to be. But, not our Jesus. Christ died for you and then called you. I’m going to say that again. ”He died first and then called!” He can’t and won’t take it back. It was ordained before the beginning of time. Even at His death, Jesus cried out to His Father in Mark 15:34. “And at the ninth hour, Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, ‘Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?’ which is translated, ‘My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?’” Even as He was dying for us, He put His trust in His Father. Wow, what a friend we have in Jesus! As an adult in the body of Christ I think back to the things I would do to prove to my friends how much their friendship meant to me. But, the truth is, I would not have died for them, not a single one of them.

How many of us have rested while leaning against a wall or a tree? Why do we do that? It is because we expect the tree and wall will stand firm and not fall because it looks like they can support our weight. But even with something that appears to be strong like a tree or a wall, there are times when they cannot support our weight and we fall along with the tree or wall. This happens because we have leaned on our own understanding. Our own understanding can fail. But, not the strength of our Lord.

We make decisions all day long, every day. What should I eat for breakfast, what should I wear, where should I go, which path should I take? I know that each and every one of you has experienced this scenario at one time or another: You are running errands and decide to do them in a specific order. Then at the last minute you hear that quiet voice inside your head tell you to go to the bank before you go to the post office, which was not your original plan. You follow that little voice. And, after you leave the bank, you see a terrible accident at the corner by the post office. It is then that you think, “There but for the grace of God.” Had you followed your original plan, it would probably have been you in that terrible accident. But, since you trusted in the Lord and changed your path, He kept you safe. There are many who would call this coincidence. But, not me. I would recognize this as an act of God.

We need to watch Him, listen to Him and react to His voice in our everyday living. When we do this, we will be able to see how He soothes us and makes our paths straight. Trusting in our Lord leaves nothing to chance. He will never lead us down the wrong path. Even in times of tribulation, He has a reason for this. He is strengthening us. So, when He leads us through the tribulation, the glory is His. Have you ever felt the exhilaration and the high that comes with truly trusting God? It’s like free falling. Let me tell you how the dictionary defines “exhilarate.” “Causing strong feelings of excitement, imparting strength and vitality, making lively and cheerful, breathtaking and thrilling.” None of these definitions are even strong enough to truly explain that feeling. It’s like being Superman without the vulnerability of Kryptonite. It’s like being Walt Disney, Mozart, Michaelangelo and Einstein all at the same time. Here’s a better word that the Holy Spirit just emailed to me: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!

Pray this prayer with me:

Heavenly Father God,

As I start this day that You have given me, I understand that faith is the reason that I am to trust You with all my heart. As I am on this journey, leaning not on my own understanding, I believe in what You said. I will remember You in every single thing I do to bring honor to You. As You lead me Lord, down the right path, it will bring You glory. So,my key words for today and always are faith, belief, honor and glory.

In Jesus’ name,


Melvin and Maryanne Lester


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