
Dear Gentle Reader,

It's always wonderful when God brings friends back into your life. For example this week I ran across a dear friend from England Nevelle Stevens who was responsible for bringing me to London for the first of many Bible Conferences. Nevelle and his wife Hazel were just grand and treated me far better that I deserved. What Nevelle didn't tell me was that I was to be the only speaker [my subject was "Knowing God] a subject certainly to bring tears to the eyes of the strongest man.

However I pressed on and found that the two dozen or so conferences were quite informative (at least to me) for as much as I tried, and as hungry as the people were for the Word of God they were in many cases unable to understand what I was talking about.

These dear brothers and Sisters in Christ who loved God and His Word didn't have a clue beyond the basics and had seemly no idea how to get past the simple words to the deep things. "The Words of Scripture are for Children The thoughts are for men" Seed of the Women" Arthur Custance

And so by the time we finished I had determined my path that was to teach and to preach the Word of God (The Bible) so that people could understand the grace of God. But beyond that that people might get to know HIM.

Love Denis Clergy Library

Scripture Institute is a Biblical Research Study group. We are not connected with any church or denomination . Our concern is solely with the correct understanding of the Bible, as God intends. Many Theologians, Bible teachers, Pastors, Scholars, and Students comprise and have contributed 1000's of hours to Scripture Institute. Not all agree, Some are more conservative than others. Some are in the Vanguard in the Study of Holy Scripture. But we all agree to this one thing! "No gain has ever been made by standing still." We believe in the GRACE and goodness of GOD and with His help we shall learn all that He wills in His good pleasure. Our desire like Ezra of old is to "Open up the Book". Join with us, add your name to those who truly love the Word of God. And want to learn . (2 Tim. 2:15)

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