One of our fellow warriors hit a nerve and I have responded !

The comment was as follows, with no name mentioned. But the message is loud and clear. And so is my response.

"I was recently dropped from a friend's list because their perception was that I was not as Holy as they were. God knows my comings and goings and He knows my heart. It is a shame that people feel the need to judge, criticise, gossip and bring others down. Do you think that these things may be one of the major reasons"...

And this is what I had to say, like the straw that broke the camels back.....

Don't worry about the children that call them selves Christian, God will judge them ~ for it is written and stated by Christ himself in the book of Matthew, Ch. 7 verses 1 through 6, and then Those that see need to claim verse 7 & 8 for yourselves.

These so called Christians had best take head to what it means to be the light on the table. They are lost and they think they know the way, God is speaking yet they are not listening. If they were than they would be apologizing and begging Jesus to forgive them and asking," NO", pleading for his mercy.

My fellow Warriors some of you had best hear my words for I speak the truth. There is a problem in the body of Christ and I shall be one of many that will root it out, or you shall be cast to the side not by my choice but by yours and by Gods for not changing your ways and truly understanding the meaning of the word of God.

As for you ministers and preachers it is your responsibility to teach your flocks in his ways, but there is an illness that has spread through out the land of most every church in the world and denomination. I should not have to remind you of all people, that you will be held at a higher standard according to Gods own words.

You Ministers, Pastors and clergy had better wake up and see the light. You and only you can bring your flock back to the fold of what it means to be a true Christian, I am worried at what I have seen.

There is a whole lot of preaching going on, but it is falling on deaf ears and the Lords faithful are falling by the thousands. Stand up and fight the evil that has snuck into your midsts and take back, and claim the promises that are yours.

And if I have offend thee, than that you must deal with, I am a good shepherd and I will use my tongue as a two edged sword, I will smite Satan where ever he is even when he disguise himself as a Christian by using members of the flock and tries to deceive and divide and scatter the flock.

It is one of the oldest tricks he has and because people are unaware of all his tricks like the three D's, which again are, DISGUISE, DECEIVE, and DIVIDE, "SATAN knows", that many in the flock that call them selves Christian will be so prideful and take offense to these remarks.

I have no mercy, but I do have love and compassion for all and that is why I have spoken so boldly. I have had enough and so has the Holy Trinity.

And yes I am accountable, that is why I am signing my whole name....Rev.Dr.Andrew Robert Moses Manley

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