A while back I decided to retake control of my life and perspective, as many of you folks know my life was on a much different path than it is today. I guess you could say that it's kind of like looking at a basket full of apples and trying to decide if you going to make apple sauce or apple fritters or even apple pie. Sure is a lot of choices one has to make in a life time.

Sometimes they are easy and sometimes it isn't so easy, especially when the decisions you make can and will effect others that you love and care about on so many different levels. Such as family, friends, and fellow neighbors and yet maybe even a community, a state or the country.

Thank goodness that most of us don't have to make decisions like that, sometimes I think you may be the luckier ones. But as I was saying my life was bigger than most and it did effect so many other people. Folks confided in me, they asked for help and advice on so many different topics, why, I don't know except that at times folks just need to vent or are seeking answers to some of life's tougher questions. There's nothing wrong with that as long as the person your talking to has some practical knowledge of what ever it is you are trying to get clarity of.

Let me elaborate a bit more here, less than two years ago I was living in a different state working and making a good name for myself and trying to help all those God sent in my path. I recon I could have ignored folks and just went about my duties as I saw fit, but no, I made a decision to help in whatever way I could, to whom ever I could, on whatever level I could.

A bit grandiose I guess but nonetheless, I did all that I could do to help, not only myself but everyone I came into contact with. I managed a commercial motel property, in historic Gettysburg Pa., and was an active citizen in local and regional community political affairs.

I exerted myself so much that it all most killed me with high blood pressure. Which at the time I had no idea that I was on the verge of a full collapse. But sometime fate steps up and takes over your life and you become more reactionary than proactive in the processes of Life's decisions.

So lets talk about the difference in making a good decision as apposed to making a bad one. The key here is the frame of mind that you use when making Life choices. Are they made in haist, or thought out over moments in time whatever length of time that maybe. Or does it even matter, because some out comes have to many variables to account for, so it makes no difference as to acting as apposed to reacting to whatever hypothetical situation comes along.

Well to me it makes more sence to try to narrow down the probable's as much as possible. By doing so one would hope that the out come of the situation, no matter what it is, would be to the benefit of oneself and those that it would effect.

As for me I try, when the situation allows it, to meditate or rather think through the situations or even pray for guidance when possible. At least this way if it doesn't turn out the way I thought it should, then I have the Father almighty to help guide me through the final outcome. At times I feel we are puppets with choices and God is the marionette. Which when you think about it isn't such a bad thing, to know we which are not only human, but rather spiritual beings seeking and striving for a better life.

Having God as a constant connection means the line is never busy nor broken. Although God, at times may seem to be to busy and not listening, that down deep inside we know that He is not only with us, but also listening to us. He really does hear us even if He doesn't answer us in the way that we think He should.

The question is that when you think back, over any of Life's curve balls and what happened to you to get beyond that stage of you life, can't you reflect back and admit that the outcome is better than it could have been if you had, had complete control of the out come.

What I am alluding to is that we think that what we do makes a difference, and you would be right as apposed to doing nothing at all. Sometimes though we also notice that when we do nothing at all it somehow still works out. I guess we must give credit due when ever possible to God for just carrying us through the real hard times, even if we bring it upon ourselves.

They say hind sight is always 20/20 and folks are right about that, but I am talking about keeping in control of your life, not just existing but enjoying even the challenges that it throws at you.

Our frame of mind or attitude goes along way in excepting this as fact. We can have a better Life if we truly believe that we can. How, by allowing God to give and or take more control than we would like. Heck, what do you think he meant when he said surrender all and come follow? It means many things to many different people I know, but to give up control or to change your path in life so drastically and quickly is a very difficult thing to except, let alone to do.

When Life spins out of control, try to look at your situation as an opportunity to grow in faith and be more than you thought could be for your life. Think of it as a gift rather than a curse. Tough I know, but practical in every way. You will begin to be more aware of things and be able to somewhat predict the out come of things a bit easier.

Keep these words in not only your mind but start to put them in your heart and then into action. Words like, Pray, Seek, Follow, Love unconditionally, Surrender all, and most of all Ask for guidance.

The Holy Bible is the living word of God as written by man. Not just any men, but men that dedicated their lives to God, to be Christ like in all ways. Granted it is difficult to except some things that are written but if you pray with a sincere heart to the Holy Trinity than, and only then, will they listen and guide you through the words that they are trying to convey to you for that time in your life.

Look at it not with animosity in your heart but with sensuousness in your heart, then your path in life will become clearer. Speak with folks that are smarter than you in whatever you are trying to get through. Then fall back again to the words that the Father who loves you more than you will ever love yourself, can then begin to work miracles in your life.

We all for the most part try to do that which we know is right, so why do we have to be selfish? We don't, because God has a better plan for your life even if He has not yet told you what it is. Just know by faith that it will be better than you could have ever done on your own.

Things will work out if "you" are a good listener. You'll see!

Written with the love and inspiration of God the Father, your servant,
Rev.Fr. Andrew Robert Moses Manley D.D.

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Comment by Dr. Henry, President of the AOCI on March 30, 2010 at 3:36pm
Amen. Glory to God .

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