Pages from my book, Fruition of the Spirit-Beyond


Deuteronomy 30; 14, 15, 16, 19

14 But the word is very nigh unto thee, in thy mouth, and in thy heart, that thou mayest do it. 

15See, I have set before thee this day life and good, and death and evil; 16 In that I command thee this day to love the Lord thy God shall bless in the land whither thou goest to possess it.

19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live: King James Version


It is time; hear the sounding of the bugle to be awakened from sleep. Receive the information given in this a new day of the Lord. Fruition of the Spirit, Beyond, is our wake up call and shall usher in the divine presence of the Holy Spirit, which brings us to a spiritual level that we become one with God.          

In writing Fruition of the Spirit, Beyond, I share experiences of my own, reveal revelations that are God given and explain the ways to fulfillment.  I also give some reasons we have yet to reach our goals, dreams and visions.


My purpose in writing is to give something very special that has been given to me.  The people in whom I hope to read this book are those who truly are ready to fulfill their God given purpose in life.  In addition, to those who desire an intimacy with God like never before experienced in our time.

How Much Will You Give?

Usually when the word, “give” is heard most first thoughts go directly to money.  There is a lot more to, “give” for God than physical stuff. 

Yes, we are to give in helping others, ministries in the church, offering and in tithe.  This in Gods’ Word He says we are to do.  From the time we were but babies in Christ, Gods’ Word has been teaching us. God also teaches us to wait upon the Lord to guide and direct our footsteps in the direction in which to go.

God wants something from all of us.  There is only a hand full of people that has been willing to give in the way God desires.  Perhaps this is because we really have not touched in depth on the hidden mysteries of God.  For years, God has taught us how to use His Word. There is more that is hidden and yet to be reviled to us.  God works through His chosen to revile the hidden things of God.  God wants more of us.  He wants more from all of us. 

I am not talking about just our physical selves or our money.  I am talking about our spiritual being that resides within our bodies with the Holy Spirit.  God for God, created our spirit.  God created us to use as He wills and for His enjoyment.    His purpose He has given us.

When God designed the temple, which houses our spirit He knew exactly what was to come.  He knew in advance that our spirit would be sharing the temple with the Holy Spirit.  Both are alive and dwelling together within the same house.  There are all kinds of good things taking place within the temple.  Gods’ own image we are.  His thinking, talking, actions, emotions, power, authority, and much more we are given.  There is nothing left out in the design.  God wants all of us.  He does not want to share His creation He designed with anyone or anything that comes before Him.

We are created in God’s image but sometimes stuff gets in the way of fulfilling His design.  Living in the worldly sin is usually the object that prevents our fulfillment.  Hearing and living Gods’ Word renews us back to the original blue print.  While we are hearing and living God’s Word the Holy Spirit is very busy within tossing out and renewing to the things of God.  This will only happen if we are willing to give.  Giving every inch of our being to the Fathers will and purpose.  Holding back to any degree of the process of changing into His image is sin.  This is not allowing God the fulfillment of His creation and purpose of life.  How much of your being are you willing to give to God?  What we give becomes one with God.  He owns it and nothing may come against it in the Name of Jesus.   Do not just want part of God.  Want all of Him and He will give His all in return.  We cannot out give God.

This process of giving is our spirit lining up to the Word of God.  Our willingness to do the Fathers work is giving our all to the Holly Spirit.  God gave His all for us.  

Giving begins with the heart. Do you remember the abundance of trust and love that filled your heart as a child?  There is a bond between infant and parent, which begins with the first breath of life. This is the will of God.  As we grow this bond becomes evidence of a solid relationship.  A child’s love comes from a heart that is pure without reservations.  Knowing no limits or boundaries of a parents love is the kind of love the Father has for His children.   A heart as a child’s is the heart we are to give to the Father. 

Giving our whole heart to God, should take place when we ask Jesus, into our lives.  However, a lot of the time we just want to give a little bit to God leaving some for others things.  A little bit is not enough. Giving of the whole heart is what God wants.  We are to ask Jesus into our hearts and to be our Lord and Savior.  How much are you willing to give to God?

The process of change begins.  Created in His image we are.  However, there is a lot of work within the Holy Spirit must do.  The bond between a child of God and the Father will become a solid relationship.  We are to build our lives on the Word of God.  Nothing shall prevail against this bond between child and parent. 

The main source of life as we all know is the heart.  Without this beautifully designed piece of equipment in the body, there would be no life.  The heart pumps blood to every vital part of the body. When the blood is blocked, organs begin to shut down.  Without every part of the body working properly, the body does not operate in the way God designed it to function. 

I have brought your focus on the heart only to say, “Gods’ heart is His church.”  Without His heart in the center of everything, the blood does not flow freely.  We the children of God are His living parts.  When using our gifts, talents and purpose the body of Christ operates in the manner in which God designed it to work.  If one vital part of the body does not partake, the whole body is affected.

When speaking of the church I am referring to not only the body of Christ, which assembles their selves together in a house of God.  I am also speaking of the children of God.  We are called His church.  As I stated, every vital part of the body must partake together.  If your whole heart is not given to the Lord, it will affect everything else going on in your life.

Imagine the power in God’s house (the church) if we were all in one accord. It has happened before.  Everyone fulfilling his or her designed function in the body of Christ allows miracles to happen.  Do you remember reading in the Bible what happened in the upper room? 

The blood flows freely as long as there are no blockages.  We cannot allow ourselves to be a blockage in the body of Christ.  This once again pertains to how much of our heart we are willing to give God.

To be created in their likeness means having the heart of God.  His heart is the church. This also refers to us His church.  The heart is the main source of life in the human body.   When we ask Jesus into our hearts, we are given a new life.  The heart pumps blood to every vital part of the body.  This is also true to the body of Christ. The heart of God is the church. 

( I will post more of my book)

Be bless in the Name of Jesus

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