We want to thank everyone for their prayers. The situation worked out way better than we could ask or think. Our God is faithful and will be till the end of time. PTL

I would like to say something here to you. It kind of surprised me when this happened. Honestly I was taken back by it. I was gotten after for asking for prayers for my family and I. "Don't you think it will look bad on your ministry if you do this?" Why? Why would it look bad? If two shall touch and agree on any one thing it shall be done for them. It's bible. It's scriptural to ask for prayers when in time of need. Am I worried about "my ministry" when asking for prayer? No. To start off with it's not my ministry. It belongs to the Lord. If you need prayer, you BETTER let me know as I will begin to pray right then. We have a need meeting God. And what better group of people to take that need to than Brothers and sisters in Christ and have them agree in prayer over that need. If you are embarrassed because someone calls upon you in a time of need then someone needs to go into their prayer closet and find out just exactly what our job is in this world. I did have that happen to me one time. I went to the church I was pastor of many years ago and told them I needed prayer about something. Immediately they turned on me and was asked to step down. What's the matter? Don't people think that pastors, evangelists, BISHOPS have needs? We do. Just like any one else. We have needs but the world, and sadly, some in the church think that we are to keep it to ourselves and suffer silently. WRONG. Any one called into the ministry is not above any one else. We just have a different calling in the body of Christ. If any clergy think of himself, or herself, more highly than they ought, then they are in for a rude awakening and a huge fall. You cut me and I bleed the same red blood that any one else does. All people have problems and it's our DUTY as the body of Christ to pray for them. Just because I have Dr. or Bishop in front of my name does not make me, or you any higher or better than anyone else. We are all the same in Christ. So, if you are embarrassed or offended because I asked for prayer, or if this ministry for Christ asks you for prayer for finances or ministry help, I will say right here and now, I will not apologize. Every ministry has needs. Needs that have to be met. We should be praying daily for one another. It's our joy in Christ to be there for one another. The UECA is here to help. It takes work and prayer to keep going. God loves you and so do we.

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Comment by Rev. Frederick C. Lyon on July 1, 2012 at 7:24pm

I agree. I have similar needs. I have a ministry waiting for me over in Jakarta with invites to India for preaching. Like every other starting ministry, God must make the way. I have asked for prayers from many sources and if it is God's will for me to start a ministry in Jakarta...then God will provide. If the financing doesn't appear, then I will take it as either a "no" or "wait". Either way I win because I seek God's face every day on the matter. We all must surrender our talents to God for his use in his time...an we must be open to asking for prayer from our peers. Jesus is Lord. Amen.

Comment by Chaplain Janet Marston-McGregor on March 12, 2010 at 9:01am
AMEN! You are right to ask for prayer - ALL OF US have needs! I am not ashamed to ask either!
Comment by Dr. Henry, President of the AOCI on March 11, 2010 at 9:53pm
Well said Dr. Galt. This type of "openness" among the Clergy of the World will bring more unity in the Lord. We pray for you brother and I do covet your prayers. Thank you for being honest, forthright, and practical as we serve the body of Christ Together. For His Glory. Amen.

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