I wish, either you were here with our family and community, for fellowship, friendship and ministry endeavors! Or I wish I visit each one of you, and sit face to face for few minutes and have the above. Unfortunately, we live hundreds and thousands of miles apart and it may not physically possible. But in the Spirit and prayer, we can meaning fully unite, knowing each other and pray for each other. I wish you visit our mother site at: www.bethelerc.org for the up dates of the ministry.
I covet your Prayers for the following!

1. For the 13th Residential summer camp for kids, from 1st May 2010 to May 10th, 2010. We
expect 250 children from our associate churches from rural villages, where these kids have no
opportunity for Christian Education and all of them are from non christian back ground. We provide
free, stay, study materials, food and travel. This year's need is 2,000 $. Kindly Pray that the Lord
harvest the souls of these precious kids.
2. Kindly remember our Orphanage ministry in Prayer. We urgently need a Dinning hall. And this is
is an urgent need for which we are praying for some years now!
Our's is a faith Mission and we depend upon friend's like you to extend support.
Thanks you!
Director & Senior Pastor.

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