As Christians we are regularly confronted with the sinful nature of the flesh. Wether it is ours or the one of the world. I noted the recent comments made about this fellow who made disdainful comments to our brother trying to share the principles of God about the abomination of homosexuality. It is sad but a reality of a corrupted and fallen word.

I am against homosexuality and abortion (as examples) as sins against the Creator of the universe.
Having sexual relation with same sex is not – in opposition of common lies in the world - “a natural” case because I am made that way as said by many in the world!
Even in the USA a scientific research attempted to demonstrate that genes of the individuals practicing homosexuality were different then heterosexual ones, with – of course - no such results. Because these genes are not different. Sex with same sex person is a choice guided by evil forces, but a choice.

It is the same thing about abortion. Everything in the world is made to minize responsibility of the individual toward their decision from an eternal and spiritual perspective. That is why we can kill a wonderful new life growing in a woman’s belly “because I have the right to control my own body” some women say…
In fact, we know – when we have a relationship with God - that human control over themselves is a mirage…
(You hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me. 6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain. Psalm 139:5-6)

This being said, I hate these sins but my Lord is requiring that I “unconditionally” love these sinners
(“But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you. Luke 6:27 and 32 “If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them. Luke 6 :32).

Noble Christian principle but much more difficult to practice it in the action when I am in fire and I want to share my faith and the commandments of almighty God.

I have been a sinner for 46 years before Jesus liberated me from the darkness. And with the human temper I had there was no way I could have been saved by trying to make me guilty in a word debate for the simple reason that I was lost and couldn’t understand the principles of God since I was not sealed of the Holy Spirit.

It is the same with these sinners. We hate all the sins they do but Jesus expects us to love them to such a point that it will be the powerful love of our Savior living within us (and that we wish to transmit them in spite of their hate toward us) that will finally make the one elected in advance by God surrender their lives.

The law of Moses, as great as it is because given by Almighty God, has no impact on a lost one as long as the person is not saved. But God created all humans in need for love. That is why the most powerful tool God has sealed us with is the unconditional love he nourish us with on a daily basis, as well as his mercy and grace.

Deep love given by God can unlock the most closed hearts and lead to humility, a pre-requisite for repentance.

When facing the attack of Satan (through the lost ones that are so easily manipulated by the wicked one) let’s stay firm in the most important commandment after the one to love God from all our soul and heart: Love our neighbour as ourselves. Let’s practice it especially when the people we speak to are hating or insulting us. Let’s not reply in a wordly way but in the way of the Lord and show mercy, compassion and grace!

In Jesus’ name,


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