Charles de Lint said, "If you are not ready to die, how can you live"? Americans have a great legacy of men and women who freely layed down their life for our freedom. On this Independance weekend I  say THANK-YOU!


I pray every American will take the time to thank at least one member of the Armed Forces for their service. I thank God I live in America, the home of the brave and land of the free. Freedom has cost our nation millions of lives along with broken homes and bodies. The question becomes, is the price to high? I think not! America has fanned the flames of freedom and spread the good news of the Gospel over the entire globe. People from all over the world sacrifice everything just to come here.  


Just as human freedom is paid for by the blood sweat and tears of our bravest men and women, Salvation demanded the highest price ever paid, the blood and broken body of Jesus Christ. I am going to blow your theological socks off by saying and you can quote me, "There is NO Scripture that says, Salvation is a free gift"! Ephesians 2:8-9 states that salvation is a gift from God that cannot be earned by works, but says nothing about it being free!  


Let me illustrate, You do not have to earn the right to breath air but air is not free. It takes human beings working in conjunction with plants (photosynthesis) to produce oxygen. God designed our planet to work in harmony in order for life to be sustained. If humans stopped producing Carbon Dioxide, plants would die, when the plants die so do humans.


What does Salvation cost you? I am glad you ask. First, Salvation will cost you your pride. You must humble youself as a little child according to Jesus to accept this gift. Second, Salvation will cost you your plans. Jesus said if we are not ready to abandon our will we cannot be his disciples. Third, Salvation will cost you your possessions. Jesus told the rich young ruler to sell what he had and give it to the poor. Jesus was not teaching this religious Jew that possessions are evil, but for him they stood in the way. Finally Salvation will cost you your passion. Whatever motivates you in life must be surrendered to Christ. If success and recognition drive you the Holy Spirit and the Word of God must reshape your worldview of what real success looks like. Maybe sports and recreation or hanging out with friends or even religious works light your fire. Whatever passion consumes you, it must be replaced for a passionate relationship with Jesus Christ.


You see, Salvation is not free even though it is a gift. I suggest if Salvation has cost you nothing, you are not saved but merely religious. Billy Graham says he believes over 90% of professing Christians are not Christians at all! They have merely prayed a pray or joined a church. I beg every preacher and teacher of the word, stop telling sinners and seekers that Salvation is free. Instead point them to the cross and the great cost Jesus paid. Instruct them about the fact Salvation will cost them everything. The question becomes, "Is it worth the price"? I know it is! 

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Comment by Dr. Henry, President of the AOCI on July 3, 2011 at 10:23am
Great blog on salvation not being free!  God bless you Dr. Shanlain.

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