
“Like arrows in the hands of a warrior, are the sons born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their enemies in the gate”. Psalm 127: 4-5 (NIV).

Parents are like hunters or archers who shoot their children into the future, aiming at a distant target. While some parents aim clearly and shoot their arrows, well directed at a distant target, other parents are just confused at both the arrow and the target. For such, their arrows are weak, their target is uncertain and sometimes they end up not shooting at all. If a hunter cannot aim well and shoot at well defined target, what does he expect to come back home with?


        It is expected that the hunter uses every arrow in quiver to achieve something. Some are not to be used well while others are wasted. Every arrow serves a purpose. Arrows come in different lengths, form and strengths, so are your children. The truth remains that the arrow cannot shoot itself. Someone has to aim and shoot it out.

        One of the essential elements in giving a good direction to the child is CONSTANT BLESSING from parents.

“Through the blessing of the upright a city is exalted, but by the mouth of the wicked, it is destroyed”. (Proverbs 11:11 (NIV)

In the life of every parent is deposited BLESSING. Every child needs this blessing to go through life. Unfortunately, curses have taken the place of blessing. After Noah and his family came out of the flood, in Genesis 9:1, the first thing God did was to BLESS Noah and his family. Abraham blessed Isaac, Isaac blessed Jacob and Jacob blessed Joseph (Gen. 49).

Note that this blessing had nothing to do with physical or material things. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were very rich in their times, in cattle, sheep, gold and silver but yet they found time to release a blessing on their growing sons. Such blessings are pronouncement or declarations from the soul of a father or mother upon the head of a child. It flows through the blood of conception that ties the father and son. The blessing of a father is a force that even the world of darkness recognizes. Heaven backs it up. What then is the BLESSING if not physical or material things or inheritance left for children. The word ‘BLESSING’ here means ‘POWER’ or ‘ABILITY’. It is the power or ability to be productive in life. it is a spiritual empowerment that enables a child to go through life and come out productive.

A son or daughter without a parent blessing will live a life of struggle and hardship. Things will get difficult where they should be easy. Things are lost where they should be gained. Show me a man who moves around in circles and I’ll show you a man without a parental blessing. Even in marriage, couples should receive a parental blessing before they start their family life.

“And they blessed Rebekah, and said unto her, thou art our sister; be thou the mother of thousands of millions, and let they seed possess the gate of those which hate them.” Gen. 24:60 (KJV).

It is unfortunate to note that in families, schools and churches, parents and adults now specialize more in pronouncing curses on children. All manner of curses in different languages are released upon the head of children, even from cradle. One is used to names like idiot, stupid boy, naughty girl, good-for nothing, monkey, goat, pig, thief, fool, etc, these names are spoken out but they are actually curses. It is dangerous to a child’s destiny. Idiot for examples, means, someone without the ability to reason well. When you call your child, idiot, you tamper with his reasoning abilities. Such a child will grow up to struggle with such name.

“… and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name”. (Gen. 2:19 (NIV))

No wonder we have more youths who cannot make reasonable decisions; most of them read and cannot understand; they have lost self worth and confidence because of the cursing voices that speak over their lives on daily basis. If a child has to live with a parent from cradle to adolescent (0-20yrs) and every month of the years, he/she receives one form of curse or another, it will take the power of God to break the force of failure and stagnancy from such life. what have you done to your children all these years with your mouth. What you speak over your child will either give life or take it away.

“The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruits”. Prov. 18:21 (NIV).

Stop cursing your children, not even in face of provocation. That they misbehaved is not an excuse.

“Folly is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of discipline will drive it from him”. Prov. 22:15 (NIV).

“The rod of correction imparts wisdom, but a child left to himself disgraces his mother”. Prov. 29:15 (NIV).

The Bible recommends the rod of discipline and correction, NOT CURSES. When last did you make out time to lay hands on your children and those under you to bless them. Have you ever spoken a blessing on them to their hearing? Every word you speak into their lives is a seed which will germinate and brings back a harvest. Remember, the harvest will always be greater than the seed.

I bring you a challenge, BLESS YOUR HOUSEHOLD. Make out time and pray for your children and bless them as a priest will do to his flock. The words you speak has the power to mould the life and character of your child. The worst victims of curse are housemaids, houseboys or servants. With all the maltreatment given to such young ones, curses are added to them. God will not keep silent for a long time. What you do to other people’s children become a seed that your children will harvest in the future. Discipline your child but do not curse him.

One of the tragedies of our time is that fathers are dying with their blessing unreleased. Young people are left to fight it out without the necessary back-up. Some succeed while others fail. Do not allow your children to leave your house to school, to work, to marry, to travel abroad, to start a business and to live without your BLESSING. The blessing of a father is worth more than precious stones and more than gold mines.

I conclude this article with a prayer of blessing which you can regularly pray or pronounce over your children or household.

The Lord bless you,

The Lord keep you.

The Lord make His face to shine upon you,

The Lord be gracious unto you

The Lord turn His face toward you

And give you peace. Amen. Number 6:24-26.

Make it a family tradition to bless at the beginning of the year, at birthdays and whenever there is a new beginning. I see God transforming your family through the blessing of the father.If you have no one to bless and speak into your life, locate a good pastor or priest whom you believe in, with a good seed in your hands, let him speak into your life and bless you. I see your life turn around for good. You will excel.

(Send your remarks to Rev. Don. Jr.)

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