"Uniting Christian & Jewish Clergy from Around the World"
The Light
Out of nowhere, the light comes on in the mind, which brings revelation to things you had not seen in the same perspective as before.
It amazes me of the amount of times I have felt there were games by people being played behind my back. I am not sure whether to call it games or deception? Regardless, games take energy as does misleading or deceiving someone. The difference is in the mind it takes mental energy to map out the tactic or maneuver to mislead or deceive. As in a game, it takes energy physically to play. The intent in both is to empower ones self mentally and physically to win.
I have said all this to enlighten the mind of the knowing; in the mind of man is darkness and evil ways. However, in the mind of a true child of God is light and pureness. Sometimes hidden beneath mounds of garbage in the mind is a ray of light that burns in all. However, until our mind is changed to Gods ways of thinking in all matters, this light will not bring forth reveling revelations of the hidden things of God. Our own perspective in matters will remain viewed through the mind of darkness in the world’s ways until there is chance. Seeing through the perspective of God, the light brings forth His true revelation and perspective in all things.
In the quest to pursue God’s righteousness the journey in which is taken is lonely and almost unbearable at times. This being because there are few who are willing to follow this path and stick to it. Has the thought, no one understands me ever crossed your mind? It is as though there is no one other than God himself who truly does understand. The words, no one understands, are words in which God will build a bond between Father and child that is unbreakable. God understands everything about us. He is the one that made the mold in which we are shaped and then He broke the mold. There is no one else in the entire world that is just like you. He then put every detail within that makes us who we are. Down to the very last detail, He has designed. He then signed with His approval. It is like a designer or creator of anything. An artist, writer, singer, and so on, we can recognize one designers own work from many others. It is not just in the signature that we are able to discern an original from a counterfeit.
This holds true with children of light and the children of darkness. There is distinct difference between the two. Therefore, it is no wonder that we would feel at times no one understands us. What God has given each one is different from another. We are all called of God but some are chosen to a higher calling of God than others are. Not that one is less important to Him then the other, it is just a different design created with a different purpose. God has no favorites!
Beyond any other, God holds the light of true closeness. He is always standing right beside us no matter how alone we may feel or not being understood by others. He will be as close to us as He is allowed by our will. Is there anyone you know other than God that this is possible? I have found in some relationships with people there has always been some who set boundaries. Preventing anyone from getting any closer than what he or she wants anyone to get. God is not this way. He desires to be as close to you and me as possible.
Beyond our own understanding, God’s thoughts are higher. We may not understand why God allows certain things in our lives to take place. We do not see the full picture and reasons surrounding change in our lives until He is finished and everything is in order. Then again, He may feel there is no need to reveal the reason to us. Many things God just may choose to keep somethings to Him self. He can do this because He is God. Sometimes it might be better for us that God does not answer all the whys. We need to trust God with all things. Fully understand He is in control of everything. He knows all things. Nothing can happen unless He allows it. It is impossible to think that we could out think God. It is possible to be as close to the Father as He desires, when we walk in His light. Our image and mind changed into His is His’ Word. There will come a day when we will walk in higher places with Him. Until then we must continue daily in our quest of obtaining God’s Word and walk in it. We are all on a journey in search of fulfillment and joy in our lives. In the light of God’s, righteous brings revelations and His prospective in all.
The Ark
The Ark (temple) of God’s creation is where the precious things of God are housed. God’s Word, and Jesus’ Glorified Presences consumes His house. The Ark itself has no power. The power is in God's presence, which dwells within the Ark. Without God’s presence, the Ark is nothing except an empty container. The container becomes a showpiece on display for all eyes to see.
The Ark held and holds, and protects the precious things of God within. Covered by the blood covenant God has given. Many years ago, God designed the Ark to hold and carry His precious cargo. Everything that was needed and is needed is within the Ark. The Ark was not to be touched by man. Only the High Priest was allowed to touch the holy things of God.
All the Holy things of God and His presence were within the beautifully designed Ark, carried on polls for transporting. After Jesus’ birth and baptism, the holy things of God were upon and within Him. Everywhere He went He carried, displayed and spoke in God’s power and authority.
The Ark (temple) of God’s presences moved among man. After Jesus’ physical life departed humanity, and His resurrection came, is when this same holiness, power and authority in Jesus’ Name, is now carried within the children of God. We are the Ark of His Holy Covenant. We are His temple in which houses the precious things of God.
A building that is constructed to house the children of God for gathering together in God’s presence is normally called a church. God is to be the head of His church. He is to run everything pertaining to His church through His called and chosen. If God is not the head of all things in His church then this means man is in control. A church could be doing all kinds of things that God’s Word says are to be done and God will bless it. However, if God is not in control and man is doing it for the eyes of the world to see what he has done, God will remove His’ Holiness from the church. Then all that is left is a building. When this happens, in time the children of God will leave the church in search of God somewhere else. A lot of the time this could be very dangerous for the younger baby’s in Christ. God will not tolerate His sheep being scattered and perhaps preyed upon by false teaches. The ones held accountable for the sheep that leaves a shepherds flock is the shepherds. God is the head shepherd, He will punish the chosen, and called shepherds in which were to be watchful over His sheep. When God has left a building all that remains is the building and the ones that chose to do things their way, and eventually the doors will close to an empty structure. What or whom God uses holds no glory; the glory belongs totally to God.
Made of silver and gold, wood or clay, even women or men, animal or thing, whichever God chooses to use or speak through, is a very tiny piece of His purpose. When the object, or person becomes more important than the mission in which it is designed or the creator Himself, then all become idols. To put anyone or anything before God is saying, “We worship other gods. “ God says, “Worship no other gods.”
When there is a higher emphasis on, “look what I have done“, in the Name of Jesus, than on Jesus himself doing it through the means of His choice, there is a spirit of pride involved. God says, “Let no man boast.” Remember, pride comes before the fall, and pride is sin.
For anyone to stay in the will of God, and keep ones self from being in control it takes an obedient, willing spirit. All fleshly desires must be restrained. When we empower God’s authority over the body, mind and spirit this is when, living life in the spirit becomes living as one with God.
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The AOCI exists as a fellowship of Spirit-filled Evangelical and Jewish Clergy for the purpose of: 1) Exalting God 2) Fellowshiping and 3) Divine Networking.
We do NOT advise, nor do we seek, to bring members out of their current denomination or ministerial association. We seek to have a platform to UNITE the Clergy of the world in ways that can benefit not only the Kingdom of God, but also the men and women who faithfully serve their communities, one another, and God.
© 2025 Created by Dr. Henry, President of the AOCI. Powered by
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