And he goeth up into a mountain, and calleth unto him whom he would: and they came unto him. And he ordained twelve, that they should be with him, and that he might send them forth to preach (Mk 3:13-14)

Christ is not only our saviour, He is also a perfect pattern of what New Testament ministry is all about. To get a better perspective of those He has to commit serious kingdom matters into their hands, He went a Step higher; the scriptures say, "He goeth up into a mountain, and calleth unto him whom he would: and they came unto him. And he ordained twelve, that they should be with him, and that he might send them forth to preach"

He did not make such a crucial decision at the bottom of the mountain surrounded by the multitudes that came for bread and fish. He when up the mountain!  What has that to do with our subject? Just everything; the people we raise will be a direct reflection of us. A man or woman of God, who is a stranger to the mountain top, can't lead others up the mountain; how can one take people to where one has not been to?

Christ when up the mountain and called His disciples to follow Him there; why? He was to prepare them to lead their generation up the mountain. Remember, in the first part of this message I said, the mountain top is reserve for serious minded individuals; it is not a place for the crowd. Secondly, it is a place of vision and also a place for those who can withstand the pressure of the wind and still maintain focus on what got them there.

Thus, if a man or woman of God will succeed to raise men and women who are dedicated, vision minded and capable to withstand in the evil day, such must be a man or woman of God who does not leave the people at the bread and fish level but leads them up the mountain where he or she is not a stranger but one who has been there before them.  

Today all over the Church world, there is a global deficiency in men and women of God who can lead people up the mountain to experience God beyond healing, deliverance and petty, petty breakthroughs. The church converts millions of people annually but sadly fails to turn them into disciples. No doubt every great crusade program in the world is filled up with believers who ought to be doing the works of God; instead they are following signs when signs were to follow them as the scriptures rightly say.

What is really the problem? It’s sad to say but the truth is, many who are in ministry today, even heading churches in some quarters, have no real experience with God on the mountain top. Imitation and duplication of the ministry style of the anointed is now the order of the day. Have you been to a city where every minister calls himself/herself a prophet? This is the most recent pandemic plaguing the body of Christ! Since we have people who can‘t hear from God because they were not led to follow Christ up the mountain, we are oblige to serve their interest for the supernatural.  This has now revived fortune telling in most parts of Africa as former native doctors and occultists gallantly leave their temples to join Bible colleges and graduate as prophets when really what they are using is nothing but voodoo powers and divination.

I am not against genuine prophetic ministries born out of time tested experience of a walk with God; I am simply saying, the Church has been invaded by men and women who have no business being on the pulpit in the first place nor to take up titles which were meant for the chosen.  I am sick of the several ordinations going on all over the place today for men and women who are still strangers to the revelation of truth.

We need the restoration of the church and the ministry. That’s the passion bringing men and women of God from around the world to Cameroon 24th-28th of June for the Global Faith Coalition 2012 World Congress on the 21st Century Church. If you are satisfied with the state of the church, stay away from this gathering but if you are dissatisfied as I am and many others,  then make it a date with us come June. Watch out for part 3 of this crucial message!!

See you at the mountain top!!! Dr Etta

We all have a choice to make, to either continue on the path which for several decades have failed to deliver the results we desperately need to win our world for Christ or to enter into God's mind to find out what he has for us in this dispensation. We can equally choose to continue the jumping, shouting and playing tactics but if we are really serious about a move of God which can transform our cities and nations then, we must get serious and realize, it will take more than what we are currently doing. Join us in this unique gathering of God's people and learn more!!

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