The Master's Touch: Break That Habit!


How do we avoid habits that may lead to self-sabotage? Often times we pray for something, but our habits can sabotage the prayer answers from being effective. We allow our habits to sabotage us when we allow our bodily senses (eyes, ears, taste, smell, and feelings) to rule over our soul (emotions, thoughts and desires); and when our body and soul are directed toward negative habits. The prophets of Baal had a negative habit of feasting at the table of Jezebel. This later lead to their destruction.

Habits are very hard to hide. The response to negative and positive habits will reveal who you are. The Kingdom key is to understand that negative habits may overrule your reasoning. They often nullify intentions and enslave mindsets....then later enslave you spiritually.

Examples of negative habits that can be sabotaging: Lateness, Continuous Desire to Text, Negative Thinking, Playing Video Games, Gossiping, Lying, Profanity, Smoking, Drinking Alcohol, Taking Drugs that are harmful to your body, Over-eating, Gambling, Laziness, Overspending, Pornography, Masturbation, Neediness, Rash Decision Making, Procrastination, being to Secure or Confident in Yourself, and etc..

Everyone has or have had habits that need to be broken. You can overcome them when you take understanding of the negative habits that exist in your life. You must be determined to walk free from the affliction and infliction of the enemy.

Learn more @ Kingdom Empowerment, Inc.

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