By the grace of God I come across hundreds of rural churches and minister to them. Not all the members are from rich families. 90% of the believers are from poor families who have toiled in hot son for years doing odd jobs in the fields of rich farmers to sustain their families. They have given all their lives to raise their kids by giving them education, marriage and even their properties.

When they become old and have no physical and mental strength left in their flesh and blood, NON ONE WANTS THEM, in the family, community and even IN THEIR CHURCHES. The are left as a "Useless", "Uncared" "Unloved and a "Burden".This elderly people live in sadness and total brokenness. They want to die and go away but even death is more cruel and it is not listening to them. They are kept alone in a prison called,"loneliness".

Our fast moving culture with modern technological application to daily choruses in life is so mechanical and produces not the natural human instincts of love, compassion, honour, respect, care and service. Elders are a blessing to any family, community and to the CHURCH. Their guidance, advice, expertise, blessings, counsels, prayers, visions, and even prophesies will certainly bless us. Our God is a God of our fore fathers; the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I have my mother living with us. She is a retired head-mistress teacher. She is now 82. She is a saint who brought her 4 kids in the fear of the Lord and in all disciplinary life style. All of us and our kids are now serving the Lord and are known internationally. She is still in command. She is a praying women and all out for missions. We honour her and fear her.

Many avoid elderly people in life because they always correct us or give us advise. These precious lives who saw the hard side of life would advise us to pray more, not to waste money, to avoid luxury, not to consume alcohol. "Don't sit before the telephone always" they will say. And the reward is abusive words or even beatings and cursing. They are not given that "little good food" they may eat. They are thrown to a corner. No medical care is given. They may have eye problem or hearing problem. Many may be diabetic. No one cares.

Do you know what happens in a houses where the presence of elderly is mocked? Their grand kids get in to all kinds of troubles. Their marriages nose dive. Some go to prison due to wrong friendship. Some get in to debts and loose every thing. Death and tragedies come to, so young a life! Why? they forgot to fulfill the command,"HONOUR YOUR FATHER AND MOTHER" if you want to live well and for a long time!

I am 62 and am a senior citizen almost. Praise the Lord! I am like Caleb now! I have 4 loving children. Molly and I worked extremely hard to bring them to this state in life. WE ALWAYS TAUGHT THEM TO LIVE IN THE FEAR OF THE LORD AND WALK IN LIGHT. May my plea with you to repent if the elderly in your family, community and church were neglected by you.

1. They need some to come to them and just talk with them. Listen to their
stories( fond memories and adventures) in their lives. It will teach you
many things if you are wise. Set apart a time for them. Twice in a
week. Take them for a walk.
2. Provide their little needs. May be a fruit, a warm dress, Sweets...any
small them. Let them know that they are loved and
3. Share with them the current affairs. They may want to know what is
happening around them in the family, community and in this world.
4. When they suffer physically with sickness attend immediately.
5. Sing and pray with them. Reassure them that the Living God is always
with them to strengthen them.
And some day they will bless you and your generation and go in peace to the place prepared for them.

Bethel has a ministry amongst the elderly people in rural churches. Pray for us and we have lots of needs. Ask the Lord to provide them to us, so that we may be able to help the suffering elderly.

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