"Uniting Christian & Jewish Clergy from Around the World"
Today we are focusing on a powerful teaching Jesus Christ gave His followers in John 15
What you will be reading is a loosely structured paraphrase of His teaching about the amazing vine branch union He has with His followers.
It will be important to read His exact words from your Bible before you read the paraphrase.
NOTE: Remember, this letter reads as if it were Jesus Himself writing directly to you.
Have you ever noticed how the grape vine is joined together with each of its branches in a perfect union? Through this amazing union the vine sends its own life-giving sap into each branch. The natural result, of course, is fruit. Interestingly, the only thing the branch does to produce the fruit is stay connected to the Vine.
In the same way, I’ll help you to live the supernatural life through the life-giving “sap” of my words. And when I say, “my words” I’m referring to my specific teachings, as well as to All the words of My Father recorded in Scripture. In fact, my teachings are not my own. Everything I say comes from our Father. So, when you hear me speak, you are hearing our Father speak.
The reason my words are life-giving is because our Father and I live in them. We cause them to work. We will speak to your heart and mind through these words, words that we want you to store in your mind. As you think deeply about our words throughout the day, and, as you obey our instructions and cling to our promises, our Father and I will use our words to keep you connected to me in our partnership, and to keep you relying on Him.
Now, here’s my promise to you. If you abide in me and commit yourself to be my partner, if you keep using the filter of my words to clearly see each situation and talk with me about what you see, then you can ask WHATEVER you want, and our Father and I will grant your request. Yes, that’s right! Our Father and I will produce the fruit you request! You can count on it!
That’s how our Father is honored, by the fruit we produce because of your request. When our Father is honored and pleased, you prove yourself to be our partner, and that pleases both our Father and me.
You might be wondering what fruit you should request. Don’t worry about that. And don’t worry about making the wrong requests. As you look at each situation of the day through my eyes, as you talk with me about what you see, hear and feel, and as you stay connected to me through my words, I will stir within you a strong desire for what I want you to request.
As my partner, here are some steps I want you to take EACH day.
FIRST: Begin each day by seeing yourself as a CONDUIT for me to work through. You are the branch through which my thoughts, words and actions will flow. Each morning give over to me the members such as your eyes, ears, hands and legs. I also want to use your intellect, will and emotions. I want to completely live though you to impact people around you.
SECOND: I want you to reprogram your mind through the reading of Scriptures. However, more important than simply reading, I want you to ponder and reflect on the words you read. Work at memorizing and storing them in your heart, and mind so that I can use them to speak to you throughout the day.
THIRD: I want you to stop for a moment in each situation during the day, and see it through my eyes. One way to do this is to tell me what you are seeing or hearing. Then ask me to tell you how I want you to see the situation. Even though you can’t see Me visibly, I will be listening.
In answering you, I will use words of Scripture that you have stored in your heart and mind to help you see the situation as our Father and I see it. And as my partner, that’s also the way I want you to see it.
FOURTH: As I help you see the situation the way our Father and I do, ASK ME what I want to do through you. For example, “Lord what do you want to say or do through me right now? Or you can ask me “Lord, what request do you want to bring to our Father through me?” Of course, the more you ponder my words, the better you will hear me speak to you. And you can count on it, I will stir within you what I want you to say, do or request.
FIFTH: Once you ask, keep looking for our activity in granting your request. Yes, I want you to expect our Father and me to produce the fruit you have requested. Of course, some of our requests can take some time for us to fully grant. Don’t be concerned about that. Our Father and I will start right away once you ask, but we might have to bring several things together before your request can be fully granted. As soon as we can our Father works all things together for good, we will make it happen. So keep looking for our activity and keep expecting.
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The AOCI exists as a fellowship of Spirit-filled Evangelical and Jewish Clergy for the purpose of: 1) Exalting God 2) Fellowshiping and 3) Divine Networking.
We do NOT advise, nor do we seek, to bring members out of their current denomination or ministerial association. We seek to have a platform to UNITE the Clergy of the world in ways that can benefit not only the Kingdom of God, but also the men and women who faithfully serve their communities, one another, and God.
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