The truth is out there” – We all have heard that phrase before, have we not? But how many of us in society really believe that there is only one truth? Would you say that you believe there is only one, real and tangible solid truth behind all things, or are you like many and state the claim that truth is only relative? Truth, I would say is the one solid fact of the matter. It is without multiple interpretations or perceptions. It is what it is, no matter how many people see it differently. Mankind’s theories are indeed unstable at best and come from limited exposure of reality. The statement that Ultimate truth does not exist is to me, is against all reasonable thought.

I say limited exposure to reality because I believe in order to fully understand the solid truth we must first have knowledge of the emotional, physical and spiritual aspect of such things. This of course only comes if a person has a relationship with God. Without this joining of man and of the Holy Spirit, solid truth can only be based upon the emotional and physical parts and these as we know have been proven time and time again as unstable and constantly changing. It is God that separates the fact from fiction, and thru his divine revelations, we as his children can understand the mysteries that even our brightest scientist can’t fathom to conclude. It is not years of schooling or P.H.D’s that brings us to the knowledge of truth but rather one simple thing, and that is through the school of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Let’s imagine a group of people sitting at a table, let’s say these people are very diverse and have very different emotional and physical characteristics, such as two of them are color blind. Let’s say we place the color brown on the table and ask each person to describe the color they see. Now of course this group of people is going to come to many different conclusions. Some will say they see one thing while others say they see another. The truth of the matter would be the color was what it was no matter their opinions. Though their perceptions were different, the truth of the matter would be that the color was only one thing. We can not base things only on our ability to see from an emotional or simply physical standpoint.

We as the Disciples of Christ have chosen to follow in the footsteps of the Son of God. As such we are the inheritors of Heaven, a royal priesthood in fact. God the father has given his word to one day walk with his children again, and thru his son Jesus, the gates of the kingdom shall be opened by his grace. God in his word says that if we seek the truth, we will in no doubt, find it. Friends, my God is not wishy washy He is strong, stable and consistent. His word point’s only one direction and it does not falter. To know the truth, you must first know him. To be free from the bounds of the flesh and to be open to the voice of the spirit is where real and solid truth comes from. Do you seek to know the hidden mysteries of God and the universe? I know a good place to start; it’s on your knees friends. Yes, seek your pastors for help but also seek the Lord yourselves. Cry out to God and take hold of his promises, they are for you to you know.

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Comment by Dr. Henry, President of the AOCI on February 8, 2011 at 11:42am
Amen brother!

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