“And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.”

Repented the LORD; To grieve at; to lament; to be sorry for; to repent. To feel pain, sorrow or regret.

Mankind has become all self-indulgent, seeking all manner of wickedness and self-serving indulgence. Just as it is written, But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Dealing in lewdness, pride, abominations of all manner, none seeking after righteousness nor the face of God, calling evil, good and good, evil, seeking their own righteousness threw political correctness, not wanting the salvation threw the Lord Jesus Christ but salvation threw governments and leaders. There is no president, no congress, no law written by man, that is able to save; O woe is a nation without the Lord.

“Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities.”

The nations of the world have become as Sodom and Gomorrha, violence on every side, no compassion for the poor or weak, they seek to gain power and influence no matter what it cost the general population. Many seek to destroy the Christian and Jew because they are blessed by the Lord, Israel for they are the chosen people of God, and the Christian because we are followers of His Son Jesus. When mankind seeks to do abominations they turn against any who would mention the Lords word concerning their acts. They fail to realize that Gods will is that no man should perish but that all would come into repentance. There are two sides to God’s word concerning a nation, the first, Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, and the second, The face of the LORD is against them that do evil, to cut off the remembrance of them from the earth.

Sodom and Gomorrha are used as an example to all generations on the punishment of unrighteousness, not just homosexuality but all unrighteousness, theft, rioting, idol worship, adultery, fornication, drunkards, revilers, extortioners, effeminates, debauchery,(gluttony; intemperance. But chiefly, habitual lewdness; excessive unlawful indulgence of lust.), and failure to abide by the Lords commandments.

The Old Testament is our school master, which teaches us on why nation after nation, city after city were destroyed. The Lords desire is for us to note these things and not to make the same mistakes that were the downfall of those that sought after unrighteousness.

The Nature of God.

“God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?”

God is not a man, not a human being but pure spirit. He has no faults, no vices and no hidden agenda. The Lord has created all things according to His will and His means are unlimited. He cannot lie, cheat, steal nor covet, for it is not within His nature to do so. He created all and therefore owns all, the things that we can see and those that we are not allowed to see. From the largest and greatest to the smallest and weakest. Has He not created, the blind so that He can heal, the rich and the poor, those that are in power are ordained by Him, and therefore He has the right and ability to alter their status.

He is not the son of man, so He has no reason to repent, for only man has sinned and only man has the need for repentance. God is not made by man but man by God. Many do not believe in an all mighty creator, many refuse to believe that there is anyone that will judge them for their actions, but make no mistake, we shall all give account to the Lord for our sins and iniquities that we have committed. The Lords ways are not our ways, nor is His arms so short that He cannot reach down to Hell or to the heights of Heaven to bring about His justice.

Who then is man that the Lord should take account of Him, does the Lord need man’s guidance, wisdom or understanding to reign? The prince of this world has deceived mankind into believing that God does not exist, nor does He judge those that are outside His will. He has deceived many into believing that those that have rejected the Lords word shall still inherit the kingdom of Heaven. Many are blind to the prophetic word that has already been fulfilled, for mankind will not allow these truths to be taught or heard.

For example, Who has prophesied that Israel shall be reborn in the end days as the desert blooms, Who has prophesied that Israel will be surrounded by Her enemies before the end of time, who has prophesied that there shall be a great falling away from the truth and be led astray with all manner of wind and doctrine, calling evil, good and good, evil, who has prophesied that the followers of Christ shall be hated as Christ was, who has prophesied that a small nation such as Israel shall destroy larger nations, who has prophesied that in the end of time this world shall be as it was in the time of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, who, only the Lord God of the Bible. After all of this, the blind still lead the blind.

Concerning a nation.

“At what instant I shall speak concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to pluck up, and to pull down, and to destroy it; If that nation, against whom I have pronounced, turn from their evil, I will repent of the evil that I thought to do unto them.”

Many gods, many doctrines, unrighteous laws, unrighteous statements of support for actions and lifestyles that are contrary to nature and sound judgment, books of false gods, teachings of unnatural behavior, these things are condemning our nation and other nations, who have turned away from the Lord and have embraced lies and the teachings of Satan. If a nation shall do as the Lord requires that nation shall live and prosper, but if that nation shall turn its back upon the Lord that nation shall surely be put to death and shall fall by the wayside.

Many nations are dying because of their rejection of the Lord and His Christ, financial markets are falling, famine, disease, fires, floods, earthquakes, conflicts, and wars, our air, water and food are contaminated, and still many look to the government to solve these problems, not once considering the reasons behind all these things. Has the acceptance of unrighteousness caused these things to fall upon us, has our turning away from God been the catalyst behind our fall?


Gen 6:6, Num 23:19, Jer 18:7- 8, Mat 24:37, Jud 1:7-8, Psa 34:16 TSK, Webster, KJV

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