“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood.

We are not in conflict with the person, for we do not fight the flesh of a man but we fight against the wicked spirits that have taken up residence within the man. Many say this is demon possession, but there is more to it than that. Demon possession simply means that the messengers of Satan know what sin, or sins, a person is most vulnerable too and takes advantage of them. They invade the mind and make a place to hide. They use the weakness of a man to control his actions; many of these weaknesses are sex, perversions of many kinds, theft, money (greed) a lust for power, adultery, and so on. We see this in the removal of the demon Legion by Jesus.

“And he asked him, What is thy name? And he answered, saying, My name is Legion: for we are many.” “Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation.”

We are vulnerable to our own sin, if we ignore it, for as Paul stated “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,”

Every weight.

Problems that have gone into our minds making us forget that the Lord will not allow anything to be put upon us that will cause us to fall. Many leave the church because they allow the cares of this world, money problems, family problems, sickness and the like, to weigh them down, but we must remember that no matter what we are going through, Jesus promised that He would never leave us and never forsake us.

Jesus will not leave us because we are sick or are in financial difficulty, for we do not depend upon this world’s riches or doctors for we are partaker of the inheritance of Jesus being the heir to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Many of the problems we face are not of our doing but a result of the greed and unrighteousness of others, but also sometimes we make the wrong choices in our lives that will bring us distress, in these cases we must learn from our mistakes and attempt not to repeat them in the future. In these end days there will be a collapse of the financial markets where gold and silver will become worthless, even then the Lord shall provide us with our daily needs.

Many make the mistake in believing that the Lord will provide us with shelter (housing.) but that was not His promise for He stated; “With food and raiment, therewith be content.” Stating that if we can be content with these two things the Lord will reward us with the desires of our hearts. For the Lord is our shelter, source and supply.

In the end days the Lord has promises that He would shorten the days, this to prevent His children from falling away. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh (mankind.) be saved: but for the elect’s sake(Many believe that this is just speaking of Israel but the Bible speaks of the followers of Christ as the elect(Make your calling and election sure.) along with the children of Israel.) those days shall be shortened.

Against principalities; (Sovereignty; supreme power. evil spirits. The perversities of human conduct, in particular, thwarting, as was thought, the simple, intelligible divine plan, was held to be subject to rebellious powers offering defiance to God.) Just as the Lord has rank within His angels, Satan also has ranked his demons; some have greater authority than others. These are the principle deviants that help Satan control other evil spirits.

Against powers (Force; strength; energy; as the power of the mind, of the imagination, of the fancy.), sense Satan has no power, being defeated by the Lord Jesus, he uses his deceptive skills to get men to do his bidding, many of these powers take the form of legislators, governors, kings and princes who do not believe in Christ. These men make and change law and times to attempt to remove God and His Christ from the presence and conscience of man, this fulfilling Biblical prophecy of the end days.

We see this so often today many people have become complacent and unaware of this dangerous agenda. Our courts are bowing down to these men, removing the cross, the names God and Christ (Jesus), the Ten Commandments, among other references, from our public graveyards, office buildings, from our schools and libraries; they have even attempted to remove them from our currency and national anthem(pledge). The mention of God and Christ has put them in so much fear they want all mention of them or any reference to them to be removed. The mention of them puts them in remembrance that at one time or another they will be judged, it reminds them that there really is a Heaven and a Hell, a reward and a punishment.

Against the rulers of the darkness of this world. (demons, messengers of Satan.) Every evil thought, every evil action, is controlled by a demon or evil spirit dispatched by Satan to control the destiny of an individual. Sin is caused by the weakness of man, and the refusal of the individual to recognize that these evil spirits have control of them. Many people understand that unrighteous acts are caused by these spirits but like them so well they refuse to remove their influence, some say that many have made a pact with the Devil, this may be the case.

Against spiritual wickedness (wicked spirits. Demons.) in high places. (generally in places of authority or predominance.)” Satan is mentioned in scripture as being the prince and god of this world. He obtained its dominion in the fall of Adam; Jesus recognized Satan’s authority over this world in His temptation by him in the wilderness. This being that the Lord God shall destroy this world, it having being contaminated by Satan. Christ, who defeated Satan at the cross now has angels and authorities and powers subject unto him. He shall judge them at a time when God declares it is time.


KJV., Webster, TSK, Barnes, others.

Eph 6:12 against the: Eph_2:2; Job_2:2; Luk_22:53; Joh_12:31, Joh_14:30, Joh_16:11; Act_26:18; 2Co_4:4; Col_1:13 2Co 4:3-4 1Pe 3:21-22 Mat 12:45 Mar 5:9 Heb_12:1 Mat 24:22

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