What would you think of a Christian talk radio show that would invite anyone of the faith, or not, to call in and talk about any Christian topic that may be on their heart, be it controversial or conservative? What if the show were called Christian Psycho Babel? Would you listen? Would you call? Would you sponsor it? Something more from christianpsychobabel.com! What would you think?

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Comment by Dr. Henry, President of the AOCI on September 22, 2010 at 8:36pm
Great!!! you gotta love Pastor Chuck!! Thank you for sharing this interesting piece in your life Pastor Honey. Thank God for Calvary Chapels and thank God for you!!! Thank you for all that you do to advance the Kingdom of God Pastor Dave!
Comment by Pastor Dave Honey on September 22, 2010 at 11:49am
Hi Dr. Henry,
Thank you for your comment! To Every Man An Answer was a great show! I met Chuck Smith in 1969-70 at his church in Costa Mesa, CA. As an unsaved teen, I used to hang out there on Wednesday nights and listen to him and others preach. Chuck babtized me at Little Corona in Newport Beach, CA. I wasn't yet saved, but it was one of those significant encounters with God, or as I sometimes say, camio appearences by God which ultimately led me to a relationship with Him 24 years ago!
Pastor Dave
Comment by Dr. Henry, President of the AOCI on September 22, 2010 at 9:40am
Hi Pastor Honey. Chuck Smith, the founder of the Calvary Chapels which is a very biblically sound non denomination, also had a show that was called to every man an answer. This was a successful and beneficial show as people called it seeking answers from the bible. I believe this concept is powerful and will be beneficial to the body of Christ. I will be praying about this for you brother. God bless.

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