Rev. Kaye Spencer, NC, USA
Dr. Henry, I have been able to connect with many men and women of God who have much to give from God. It has truly been a blessing to become a member. I will continue to support your ministry. God bless you and continue to allow HIM to use you.

Rev. Reginal Wilson, MS, USA
I have attended many leadership conferences, seminars and training events in the past. This one was Awesome in many ways. The Worship, The Word, The Impartations I received has changed my life. I had been seeking God in prayer for directions for the ministry He placed me in; I received His answer during the conference. Also I received very valuable information about being an effective minister and on ministry. I thank everyone who made this event possible and I know The Lord Jesus will bless you for your hard work.

Chaplain Misha Ben-David, Jewish Clergy, TX, USA

It inspires me when fellow clergy step forward with bold and controversial ideas that are not necessarily popular with their contemporaries. I'm not talking about flying off the handle with heretical rubbish. Dr. Vazquez' teachings are well... grounded in both Hebrew and Christian scripture, and bring a unity of purpose to both faiths that we sorely need, without robbing either faith of it's unique theology and distinct mission.

Dr. Michael Shanlian, SC, USA
Dr. Henry, thank you for this forum. It is a wonderful resource for pastors and Christian leaders. It is great to be able to interact with God’s precious servants and be able to speak the truth in love. The fellowship and camaraderie is priceless. Blessings.
The A.O.C.I. is a great group. I have been a member for several months and love the interaction. I have a special place in my heart for all the bi-vocational ministers out there. I believe they out number the full time ministers but many times we do not hear from them. I have served as a bi-vocational pastor since 1976.

Thank-you Dr. Henry for following the Holy Spirit in birthing the A.O.C.I.!

Dr. Paul Whitley, GA, USA
It is good to be in fellowship with other clergy members of AOCI. I met with Dr Vazquez just this morning and was impressed with the vision of his organization. I would love to dialog with any of you and see how we can cooperate in obeying the Great Commission and helping to equip the Body of Christ. Please note that there are opportunities for short term mission trips with our organization, Invading the Darkness, and more information can be accessed through our web page at

Rev. Salik John, Faisalabad/Pakistan
Blessings to you in his mighty name , thank you very much for your love and prayer support, so so happy that i am join AOCI , and i meet with many good man of God, God Bless, have Bless day.

Rev. Solomon O. Davis, Liberia
Its has been wonderful being a member of the AOCI. Do you also experience what God is doing in the AOCI.
Well, at the AOCI I am always receiving words of encouragement from other ministers and keeping our churches and ministries in prayer as well. Also, I am always receiving resources that are helping me to be able to do in dept study of the Bible as well teaching the word of God to other minister in our church at our minister training and at the Monrovia Bible College where I also work as a Registrar. Most of the resource materials have help to prepare lessons for our church as well as sermons. I also get counsel for other ministers from their news letters and inspirational thoughts. I mean it has been a blessing for me,our church and the Monrovia Bible College where I am working. I bless God for the leadership, the founders and the members of the AOCI.

Pastor Carol Weaver, NY, USA
I am honored to belong to this wonderful Association Of Clergy International!
Thank you for founding this fantastic Ministry that is here to help unite ministers around the world! As we all work together as one, using our gifts and what education we have learned along the way, we know our Lord will see our hearts and guide us along the way , and one day we will know we have made a great difference, maybe greater than we realize now, we pray, and we do pray at that time our Lord can say " Well done my faithful servants"

God Bless you, and know my prayers will be with you and our ministry of clergy that have united around the globe!

Dr. D.O. Kings, Santiago - Praia, Cape Verde
It is realy exciting talking with you.Dr.Henry. I just realized i've been missing a lot without this site since. I Believe this is more than a site, it's a communion table and a fellowship centre. Maranatha!
Thanks for your prompt reply, You´re indeed a leader, this is encouraging
In my African context we ´ll use words like this to show honour to who erns it like you ´´ MAY THE LORD ADD MORE EAGLE FEATHER TO YOUR CAP´´
Praise God for ever More.
I will try looking for him, but you know am new and do not know much about the use of the site yet.
Bless your Soul sir.
Apostle Kings

Rabbi Liebenberg, United Kingdom
Shalom Doc. Many thanks for the welcome I received and for me it is a priviledge to be part of AOCI.
Ye varechecha Adonai v' yismerecha. --- The Lord bless you and keep you.

Tak Kumakura, Japan
Thank you so much for your comment. It's very nice to be part of this group of godly men and women. I knew about this organization but I didn't have time to explore the Web site. I had some time to do so this morning. So, I decided to sign up. I wish I could be at the convention. That must be so fun. But it's not easy being there since I live in Japan. Tak

Rev. Manuel Stanley Andrews, India
Thank you very much for your kind welcome dear Dr Henry.May the lord continue to bless you and your ministry and use you mightily for thousand and thousand with gifts of signs and wonders.I am really obligated to thank God for this wonderful fellowship and your endeavor to bring Clergy under one Banner and your effort is highly appreciated.

Pastors Warren & Annette Taylor, Dubbo NSW, Australia
Thank you Dr Henry, I have just been reading your response to the article of faith. It is so good to know that what I have just joined, is a Fellowship of men and women who are not frightened to stand up and declare the Truth……………Blessings

Evangelist Douglas Wood, Hollister, NC, USA
Greetings, and blessings to you my brother Dr.Henry, it is a blessing to me to know that you like my ministry logo, I designed it myself after God spoke and told me what my logo should be.
It is a blessing to be part of AOCI, and it's work for the Kingdom of God.
My web site is be built and as soon as it is finished I will list it on my profile.
May the Lord bless and keep you,may He make His face to shine upon you.

Pastor Francis, India
Thank you so much for your AOCI site it has been so much benefit to me. As I started a new Bible study, I did not know how to approach the study but I found a pastor on AOCI that is guiding me through AOCI! Thank you so much for this site!

Rev. Scott Brown, SC, USA
I have been looking over your site and I am so impressed and utterly thrilled by this effort to unite Christians by the bond of love.......
Thank you so much for that. I kind of just stumbled upon your website, it was linked online to another site. I think it was linked to my facebook site but I really don't particularly remember. I thank you for taking a stand for "Christ and Him crucified" and for leaving the nonessentials just that way

Rev. Iva Thomas, Houston, TX, USA
Thank you so much for welcoming me. I look forward to fellowshipping with other Christians and Pastors online.

Pastor Alvin F. Leal, Philippines. It is a great honor and privileged to me to be a part of this organization. I am so blessed. Thank you so much

Pastor Fain McKinney, NY, USA
Thank you Dr. Henry, I am truly glad to be able connect with so many fellow men of God. May The Lord Richly Bless you with the riches of His Kingdom.

Dr. Charles Louis- Egbuchiem, Enugu, Nigeria

I am delighted to inform you that arrangements are being made to be at the AOCI Conference.....I have shared the Good News of the existence of this association with quite a number of ministers of God and they are quite excited to know about it....I am bold to say that I have an inner witness that AOCI is going to be the greatest, biggest and largest ministerial association in the world.  May JEHOVAH strengthen you to pilot and navigate this great ship conveying the LORD's chosen Army.

Rev. Terrell Pearson, Chicago, IL, USA

Dr. Henry thank you for the kind words. This website is a great asset to the kingdom of God giving us opportunities to fellowship wit other christians and Jews.

Vickie Williams, Arkansas City, KS, USA

Dr. Henry it my honor to be here connected with you and so many  amazing people and ministries.

Dr. Ley, Wesley B Rose, MS, USA

I am so blessed to have found this ministry.  I don't believe that when it comes to Gods work there are any coincidences or chance events...I am so excited to be part of something so wonderful for the LORD.  I look forward to meeting one and all.  May you be richly blessed always.

Rev. Michael Kugler, IN, USA

The AOCI has been a great resource for me.  I have chatted with some remarkable folks and learned a thing or two.

Dr. Liz Stokes, Pastor in LA, USA

Thank you Lord.  Dr. Henry, I have to say that being a member of this group is one of the best things that has ever happened to me.  I might not say a lot on the site, but just reading the words of others and knowing that we all go through the same thing because we serve one God.  The Only God.  It surely  has been a pleasure for me.  Thank you for letting me be a part of AOCI!

Pastor Jim Newton, OH, USA (candidate doctorate)

Just dropping through to tell you I love and appreciate you, sir.  I have made more headway in national and international relationships with this site in the last few weeks than I have made with others in several years.  The Lord's hand is on this labor.

Rev. Sammy Mark Owino, Nairobi, Kenya

I want to sincerely thank you for opening your heart for me and willing to help me anyway possible to do the work of our God in this part of the world. I believe this was the right time for me to be part of this great family of God`s ministers. The welcome I have received is so encouraging. I thank God for this window of opportunity I have got to network with great Men & women of God. I look forward to partner with you and your ministry to reach Africa for Jesus. Kenya need to be reached with the gospel of Christ, this can not be done with one person, we need joint effort, I believe AOCI is the body God will use to reach Kenya and beyond. We shall share more as God gives us the grace. Be blessed.

Sister Ann Brown, USA

AOCI, can truly provide many means and services by which God's people can be prepared and perfected and equipped for works of the ministry, for the edifying of the body, and bringing about the unity of faith.....


Views: 418


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Comment by Evangelist Prophetess Sylvia on September 4, 2017 at 9:36pm
I'm so blessed to share the Gospel of Jesus
Christ. God is so good and worthy to be praised. Its time for the body to pray without ceasking.
Comment by Ebenezer Osafo Aikins on September 16, 2013 at 1:12pm

I count it a blessing to be a part of this family. I know God brought me here for a reason. The lessons I studied at the AOCI Bible Training Institute were superb. I got the right teaching at the right time. God bless everyone here. Amen.

Comment by Dr. Saleem John on June 14, 2011 at 2:00pm

Greetings from Dr. Saleem John, Faisalabad, Pakistan.

Thank you so much for this blessed Association of Clergy International. I have met here many blessed persons.I am so much thankful to God for this many things through it. Praise the Lord.Amen.We hope, we will arrange many conferences through AOCI, UECA and LOVERS OF GOD MINISTRIES PAKISTAN. . Thanks a lot Dr. Henry very true man of God, He is doing noble work with his team.God bless you a lot. our prayers always with you.

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The AOCI exists as a fellowship of Spirit-filled Evangelical and Jewish Clergy for the purpose of: 1) Exalting God 2) Fellowshiping and 3) Divine Networking.

We do NOT advise, nor do we seek, to bring members out of their current denomination or ministerial association. We seek to have a platform to UNITE the Clergy of the world in ways that can benefit not only the Kingdom of God, but also the men and women who faithfully serve their communities, one another, and God.

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